what is water cement ratio and how to calculate it after
designing the concrete?
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Answer / civilkamal
as per IS 456 Table 5
For plain cement concrete between 0.4 to 0.6
for Reinforced concrete between 0.4 to 0.55
this will suite only where the maximum aggregate is 20mm
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Answer / ram
first checking of weather condition of the concrete mixing
plant,& moister contant checking of Fine & Coarse
agrregate then after calculate water cement ratio and then
it will decide before design a mix.it is clearly define @
IS 456
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Answer / sahilshah.civil@gmail.com
Water cement ratio is fixed at the time of design mix of concrete.
It's Depend on following condition.
a) Environmental
b) Type of structures
c) Method of casting
d) Admixture
e) Material
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Answer / gk reddy
It will not decide at site it will decide
before design a mix.
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Answer / kannan t
Water cement ratio will be defined by the workability of concrete. i.e by slump test.
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