Hello Can I use step up HV transformer 440/4160V as a step
down? Thanks
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Answer / milinda4p
theorically it is yes....
but thickness of the wires are different in two sides
here 440/4160 means the thickness of the wires @ 440 is much
higher than 4160 side(because the current is decreased when
step up)..so if supply @ other side i:e supply 4160v then
the thickness of the wire may not be sufficient enough to
handle the current @ that side...
so it mightnotbe possible
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Answer / syam mohan
if we apply 4160v at the 4160v side of the 440/4160v
transformer 440v will be produced on the 440v side
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Answer / abdul
Thikness of conducter is not an issue here. current flows
only when connect a load at low voltage side. Current will
be still very less at 4160 side.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / ravinder
this is only possible when transformer is unloaded because
if we connect load winding,s of T/F ARE BURNout this
mightly be posibble
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