Electrical Engineering Interview Questions
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what will happen if we give a dc supply to a transformer.?

10 17726

how ti maintain the power factor in power generation

1 3235

what is vector surge & vector shift? we have 25.3 MW(11kv) generator & 11kv/132kv transformer, connected with with 132 kv grid.vector surge relay is tripping frequentaly.what is permissible maximum limit for this.

3 10233

3 Core x 35 Sqmm Cable (How we measure 35Sqmm)

Alpha Star, Brother,

4 61629

How CT & PT ratings are decided for a 11KV or 33KV transmission line?

3 17130

what is the effect come when i changed the alternator exciter field winding DC palority(+ve & -ve)which is coming from AVR.


1 4178

how steam converted into electricity in power plant

4 5680

tell me about roaster switch .& what is the function in transmission & distribution?


what is the function and use of cable differential protection relay?


why frequency should be constant?

2 15380

how can we find CT coil not working ?

7 16483

What is a pulse transformer?? Can it be called as a dc transformer??

1 2202

In iduction motors the current is higher than normal for both the cases when the voltage appllied is more than the rated as well as less than the rated, why?

2 3673

what happens to current , when voltage drops .?

11 23855

in power generator normaly voltagr betwween esth to neutral is 0 but my work place generator show the volatge is 60v any body know why? thanks


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Un-Answered Questions { Electrical Engineering }

what is 30-phase of transformer


What are the classifications of oscillators?


During underground cabling in landscape area what did we cover the cable with to prevent the electric shock & protect the cable?


current transformer balance the power level on both sides. e.g in case of step up, at secondary side voltage rise but current decrease and vice versa in case of step down transformer. but how this power level remains same in case of current transformer and voltage transformer


How many kinds of E.L.C.B and how to work E.L.C.B


Which is the oldest hydropower plant in india?


how is the testing of an REF relay? what are the test REF circuit having?


Why dry type cast resin transformers tap link blast in HV side while power shut down times on load?




briefly explain the main blocks found in a microprocessor based system


what is meant by IGBT how they differ from tyristor ?


How does the slip regulator works as a startor


How to operate a ac chilar plant?


What should be the percentage increase in length of the dead end clamp for bus bar conductor (Hawthorn) after hydraulic pressing and what should be the applied pressure?


According to conduit size which size wiring & how many wires can we provide wires in conduit & how can we select conduit size accordingly?