Electrical Engineering Interview Questions
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What is the required bending radius requied at the time of cable laying?

1 4408

Why in medium voltage system(3.3kv to 33kv, neutral is earthed with either resistance, reactance or neutral grounding resistance?


4 8786

How are harmonics produced in AC machines?

4 6694

How star and delta connections inherently eliminate triplend harmonics?

Blue Star,

1 2312

IF we want to replace I/C bay at our 220 kv substation which is of 140 mw load capacity bay to be replaced by 400 mw capacity bay.other than CT(1200/1) what are the other equipment i have to replace.


1 3379

Does the total power means fundamental plus Harmonics?

2 3597

Does magnetomonopoles exists? one maxwell equation strongly suggests no, but how about their existance in plasma?


can u please mail me the syllabus for GET exam for damodar valley corporation?


why our indian system choose the 230 volt for single phase&415 for 3-phase voltage,in forign side 110 volt is used what is the difference


4 19089

what is the formula for calculation of sac?


4 7388

what could be the possible reasons for copper cable to have low insualation?

1 2653

do we use links in a dc circuit?if so what s its use in it?


what is the right method of laying cable tray if we are using EOT crane in shed, better is below or up

1 2000

what is the difference between synchronization and paralleling?


13 39600

what is doubling factor in making current of a breaker?



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Un-Answered Questions { Electrical Engineering }

What are the various types of rotor used in the alternators?


what is motor capacity of 80TR chiller? and also say what is the formula related temperature, motor capacity, TR?


we are having 15kw and 3kw motor both can run in same time , instead of using copper we are using ug aluminium cable , 35 sq.mm is suitable for its current carrying capacity..?


Working of microwave oven?


Which thing is maximum in RLC circuit at resonance a)power consumption b)inductive current c)capacitive voltage


what is meant by twilight switches 7 where its applicable ?


generally in LT and MV motors we are using 3.5Coresx16,25,35,50 etc cable for supply.although motors is earthed at two point and having all protection.then why we are using that 1/2 core for earthing the motors.while in HT cable we are using only 3core cable for motor supply.generally lt and mv motors are delta connected and ht motors having star connection.whethere it is having any relation with winding connection( star or delta).all motors i am talking about are dol only.can anybody solve my confusion.thanks...


how do i work out the Amps of a incommer if i am running 1 37 KW motor and a 0,75 KW motor and some solinoids


How to convert 2 phase to 3 phase electricpower in induction moter?


What type of DC motor would you see for a lift?


What is the lifetime of a Thyristor? Is there a recommended lifetime for thyristors after which they should be replaced?


IN SINGLE PH TRANSFORMER IF LEKAGE IMPEDANCE DROP IS NEGLECTED ,THE FLUX IN THE MAGNETIC CORE and the lekage flux linking a winding are a)proportional to the applied v to the winding i respectively.


Which of the following alternatives will be cheaper (1) A 100 h.p AC, 3-phase motor (2) Four motors of 25 h.p each (3) Five motors of 20 h.p each (4) 10 motors of 10 h.p each explain


What do you mean by a phase angel of instrument transformer?


Thermal withstand capability under full short circuit conditions, in terms of number of times of occurrence of short circuit and corresponding anticipated percentage reduction in transformer life.