Electrical Engineering Interview Questions
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why do you add the load short circuit impedance when considering short circuit amperage. It seems that you should only consider supply. If you need to consider loads and you don't know what loads are to be added , what would be a good sub-transient reactance rating for the loads?


What the capacitor Current formula?, For 1 KVAr how amps its required? for using the KVAr for boosting the PF Design Calculation.( Eg: for 30 KVAr required how many KW?)

Alstom, Call Centre, EDC, HCL, Procon Engineers,

17 222968

why the crow do not feel the current in overhead line when it sits on the wire??????

6 8209

Is HT capacitor rating connected directly to motor terminals , related to motor no load current?


What exactly is meant by harmonics and harmonic current?? and what is skewing with regard to this??

2 4764

What do you mean by distributed winding in alternators? how exactly is 3 phase power generated?

2 9489

circuit diagram of ht panel


how does a submersible pump work..?


what is the difference between starter and control panel..?

4 17357

how does a submersible pump work..?


what will happen at secondary side of transformer if i increase voltage at primary side?while V1*I1=V2*I2 will secondary voltage or current increase?

2 5864

For a three phase induction motor, what will be the effect on motor if the neutral of the system is shifted to say 20 deg.?


how to control the speed to switched reluctance motor


Why the size of transformer decreases if we increases the frequency?

Graphics Engineering,

5 34825

What is ferro-resonance in electrical system? Why it occurs and what are measures to prevent it?


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Un-Answered Questions { Electrical Engineering }

hi, in the event earth grounding is not available in a project, is there any other way to make the elcb work? fyi, i have an instant water heater (6.5kw) installed, however if there is grounding in the heating element inside the heater assembly, i will get grounded. thank you in advance to those who will answer my question.


We need to current density & short circuit calculation at 65kA for aluminium & copper busbar.


What are high pass filter and low pass filter? and What are the flowmeter ?


Explain the function and difference of Restricted earth fault, simple earth fault and sensitive earth fault with connection diagram.


what r the checklist while installing 500 kva transformer


i have applied for the post of RRB section engineering chennai board please send me previou papers and solved answer. my mail id jagarapusrinivas@gmail.com


what is the use of current transformer in power transformer secondary side.?its connectyed in WTI


What happens when ac supply is given as excitation voltage instead of dc supply


how to select proper cable for ct wiring so that drop within the limit.


Name the component u would expect to find in a switchgear assembly?


What is phenomenon of electromagnetic induction and how it works?


What do you mean by a voltage transformer?


what is the effect of change in supply frequency on load angle of synchronous motor,all other parameters remaining same?


What is the function of Governor in Hydro Power Station? What is the Function of Lightning Arrestor Voltage Transformer (LAVT)?


what is the relationship between phase & neutral