Civil Engineering Interview Questions
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what is tie-beam?where it used?

HCC, Titan America,

12 135671

how to calculate the steel quantity for beams & columns also footing net? what is the formulae for calculate the steel quantity? what is mean by (100.3)plinth level?what is mean by 100.3? explained it?

3 18661

What is called dummy column, & what its uses ?


6 35918

what is the shuttering normal clear cover for footings, walls, beams & columnms

7 22279

how many reputations of ply wood for concrete works can be used?

3 6056

what are co-efficient for jacks, acro spans and runners for slabs per sft?

1 9054

For G+4 storied building having 76000 sft per each floor, can you prepare schedule in such a way that structure should be completed with in 41/2 months and finishing be completed with in 51/2 months?

1 4348

How is rate analysis prepared for M 25 grade of concrete?

4 17255

1. How do you handle non-productive team members?

4 11213

what is pure bending.

4 6874

Why should you show Client/Engineer activities clearly on the project plan?


What is the exact meaning for under & over reinforced beams & when they have to used..

Gammon, L&T, MEIL,

11 61150

What are the delays in construction projects due to approvals from owners? How can we analyze them in different prospective? Whats their affects and effects on presently going work?



what is the proportion of m20 grde concrete? also how much water is required for this proportions? As there were any formula for water-quantity?

3 14727

why we are placing the beam under the plinth wall?

4 7477

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Un-Answered Questions { Civil Engineering }

what is mean by c32/40s concrete class


How do you calculate the unit weight of concrete?


The foundations are placed below ground level, to increase?


when it is noted "JAMB SIM" what is the term "SIM" and what does it mean?


what is the formula to find the sttel (bar)length in beam having bent up at l/4 t 45 degree & 60 degree.


Can we use Polystyrene as a Bitumen modifier !! if so is it a good MS research topic ? and what type of laboratory tests will be conducted during Research work ??


in one hour , one 200 excavator , how much quantity (mcube)can load ? soil is not hard not soft


I want to know the relevant IS codes of practice which deals with different testings of cement-sand mortar (nominal mix)that is being normally used for brick work or plaster work in the construction work.


how ratio is calculated for any grade of concrete. for e.g. sppose M20 requires(x;y:z) quantity of cememt sand and aggregate.


what is anchorage length,lap length and (dont remember the last one)


Can a wave happen in the middle of the ocean like in the movie poseidon 2006?


how much one carpenter can doing shuttering of slab in one day


whou haat goals do you have in your career


I want to know how much the lapping length for the pilecap reinforcement.. we r using single pile cap which is 24mby54m and 2.5m depth.. total 91piles are supporting the pile cap.. how to do a steel reinforcement??


Sir how to find cutting length for footing steel bars in the shape of "u"