friends help a btech fresher.. wt is the eligibility criteria for TCS???? like %...repli me clearly from x onwards..
1671what is the applicatyons of the slipring motor and please tel me more about the slipring concept
1 2815What kind of soil has what bearin for pile work? eg sand with high water table collapses faster, black cotton soil is ideal, sand leads to more wear and tear of the boring consumables, rock takes longer and require rock augers etc etc
1 4841
project plan for bug tracking system?
What are the different parts of impulse reaction turbine?
why data registers are needed in PLC ?
What is the difference between scpc and mcpc?
How many types are using in 220kv/400 kv swith yard
Dear all, Will some one help me in this issue please? We are entering the Zero Stock Component in Maintenance Order, and we make a Check when the order creator is going to release system will appear Error, until he will not delete that zero stock components from the Maintenance order. but right now what the order creator is not releasing the order but he is going to save order, when's he save the order without release system will generate Reservation in the back ground, which should not happen for Zero Stock Components ? I need the way which we are doing in MB21, Reservation creation by thru Cost Center / WBS Element. At present if you run MB21 and you are going to issue the material system will not allow to generate the reservation if there are zero stock components in the list. please guide me for this issue ? Note : Simple what I need is I don't want to create any reservation thru maintenance order for the Zero Stock Components. Regards, Abdul Mujeeb
What is thumb rule for deep trench excavation
What are the different methods for drawing an arc?
Match the following a)(X'+Y') b)X'Y' C)XY 1)NAND 2)NOR 3)Carry
What is the diffrence bitween bs2 & bs3 engine?
How can we findout the maximum efficiancy of Transformer? At which load?
Draw the two transistor model of scr and derive an expression for anode current?
When did national commission for space research institute thumba equatorial rocket launching station commissioned ( terls )?
Differentiate between pass band and stop band.
i want design of D.C.MOTOR 1HP 960RPM AND 2HP 960RPM ITS URRGENT