Manual Testing Interview Questions
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Explain clearly what is buglifecycle

3 5012

Write the test cases for sending a message through mobile phone (assuming all the scenarios )Its urgent .....


6 25989

Hi harish n Satish...thanx for the response... Already told Functionality testing and user interface type testing to interviewer but he was expecting something else. And also explained test cases....Is it data driven testing for user id and password combinations? If i am not wrong....?

Cap Gemini,


what is functionality testing?

Cap Gemini,

8 9488

how to write testcase for this particular textbox.i have textbox and it accepts only values from to write testcases for this using bva and ecp?need some more testcases any sites which provide testcases information? mainly for webapplication.

3 12245

I have password field in my application.while entering data into pwd field the characters are not encrypted will it come under gui testing or unit testing? is gui testing checked by typing or entering data into fields?

7 7416

How do u Check sending a message Through mobile(it could be text msgs ,picture messages ,so that it should cover all the possible scenarios )Its urgent plzzzzzzzzzz,....


3 7552

I am graduate and have 6 yrs of experience in Testing. How much salary can I demand or expect

3 5929

if my documaents (SRS &FRS) having earros(does not meets) the requirements in that sitchuvation,which document i should take to write the testcases?(othere wise which steps i should take?(Usha)


6 9027

what is testdata


8 9330

In a system designed to work out the tax to be paid: An employee has £4000 of salary tax free. The next £1500 is taxed at 10% The next £28000 is taxed at 22% Any further amount is taxed at 40% To the nearest whole pound, which of these is a valid Boundary Value Analysis test case? The options provided are a)£1500 b)£32001 c)£33501 d)£28000

5 28187

What is the meaning of incident in testing?

Alcatel, Cambridge,

9 27720

In My Company Am Preparing the test cases in the Excel Sheet.All the Companies Are Using Excel Sheet"s??????Please Answer.

3 6195

what are test beds

Fulcrum Logic,

4 7050

what is entry and exit criteria?


6 15739

Post New Manual Testing Questions

Un-Answered Questions { Manual Testing }

You must test a trouble report where the problem cannot be reproduced. You tried using various test data files and mutations from the data files the customer sent along with the trouble report. The software does not fail the way it did at the customer's site.


in transfer funds module, how you come to know that amount has been transferred successfully or not....explain in detail


What is the different between SIT and UIT?


what are the functional test cases for enter user name,enter pass word,click on ok(only functional test cases)


Can anyone please tell in detail about the Rally tool and how a tester is going to use it.


how many modules in ur bank project? what functionalities r there?how did u check? could u plz expalin ur banking project?


Information about Automated Software Installer


Can you explain function points?


explain fish model in detail?


how to access a build & wat is its configuration


Explain the defect life cycle.


hi friends i recently finished testing course in am looking for a job in uk.i need help about the projects in interview point.can any one explain me abt banking project or credit what are the problems faced in u r last project etc.


What are the tasks of test closure activities in software testing?


write test condition for testing SMS service of a mobile phone maximun length is 100 character while sending and 80 character for receiving write test scenarios do not write test cases


Can you explain random/monkey testing?