Manual Testing Interview Questions
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Orthogonal array testing enables the test designer to maximize the coverage of the test cases devised for relatively small input domains. is it true.explain orthogonal testing


1 5619

Testing OO class operations is made more difficult by Option 1 Encapsulation Option 2 Inheritance Option 3 Polymorphism Option 4 Both Inheritance and Polymorphism


2 12859

Scenario-based testing Option 1 concentrates on actor and software interaction Option 2 misses errors in specifications Option 3 misses errors in subsystem interactions Option 4 Both 1 abd 2



what is buddy testing ?

4 6322

ad-hoc testing is not organized, it's not repeatable, it can't be tracked, and when it's complete, there's no proof that it was ever done. is it?

2 3715

Hi, Please answer this qns. "What is the test strategy and list of design characteristics for a login screen?" thank u

1 3302

How can write testcases on a code under development pls give asnwer


Changes and enhancements to system?



Give example of High Severity and low Priority Bug you filed?


2 6361

Difference between XP and Vista?

nvidia, TCS,

2 7255

What is AGP?what is setup.inf?What are the ways to install driver?



How many operating system you can installed on one machine? What is NTFS and FAT32?


8 13022

Write as many test cases of InternerExplorer compatibilty on test ON wiNDOWS OPERATING SYSTEM?


8 12225

what is function testing?


8 9980

After testing the application May I have to keep a Test Log of the application ? If Yes then how? And What is the format for it?

1 4007

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hi this is ashok , i never worked in medical domain , can any one pls send me with proper exaple pls Question is while emergency or normal patitent enter into hospital he entered his first and last name and he enter emergency coloumn , write test case on these ,


What is severity and priority of bug? Give some example.


HI can i know who is taking real time testing classes in banglore? i am preparing to put 3+year experience in testing if possible anybody give suggestions for preparing 3+exp


How do you determine user soad for a perf test of a Web application?


Hello testers I am an Bsc Hotel mgmt Degree holders but now am doin my software testin programme, side by MCA Master degree an have 6 months exp i testing in company.. i want to change my CV according IT based. so can anyone help me with sendin any sample CV of urs.. do me this favour it wil be very helpful for me prepare CV for interviews....


Hello again!! wanted to ask you HOW EXACTLY create stubs and driver in integration testing? 2.whats the difference between integration testing and system integration testing? Thanks!!


Tell me a critical defect in which your Client,PM,PL appreciate on you


How do your characteristics compare to the profile of the ideal manager that you just described?


what is the difference between PEGA based web application testing versus web application testing?


What is the term ‘quality’ mean when testing?


what is mean by Performance Related Testing in data base?


Can any1 tell me suppose u r doing manual testing on unix platform with Shell Script, then how it is done? How u r implementing it & what is the use of Shell scripting on Manual Testing? plzzzzzzz i need ur help.


I have to give weights to 5 stones so that using a simple balance and the stone i should be able to weight any number between 1-100


What is the different between SIT and UIT?


What is bug leakage?