Manual Testing Interview Questions
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Explain test metric and the information it provides.


Explain thread testing.


what is sanity test (or) build test?


Explain crud testing.


What types of documentation are used in qa?


How to overcome pesticide paradox?


What are the different levels of manual testing?


When should you opt for manual testing over automation testing?


What is white box testing, and what are the various techniques?


Explain the defect life cycle.


What are the two main categories of software testing?


What is a testbed in manual testing?


What are the various techniques in white box testing?


What is pesticide paradox? How to overcome it?


What is a top-down and bottom-up approach in testing?


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Un-Answered Questions { Manual Testing }

What is split testing?


What is the difference between GUI Testing,UI testing and Usability TEsting


1) Test summary contains ? 2) Requirement Tracebility means ? 3) Test Effort contains ? 4) Test Planning Productivity ? 5) Metrics should be caluclated ? 6) Interest rate Rsik is a type ? 7) Test analysis and Design process task? 8) secured loan is a part of Liability (or) assest in a balance sheet? 9) Money Market means? 10) a ------ specifies all of the terms of a loan and the obligations borrower ? 11) what is a primary market is ? 12) Quality of Testing measure with ? 13) Company has a share with facevalue 10 rs/- and NAV of 37 after comapny has given Dividend of 35 % then How much NAV become ? ( I don't know what is NAV means, question overall Idea I am giving not 100% perfect ) the potions for these are 1) 33 2) 33.50 3) 37 4) 42 14) one compay has taken 10 million loan from a bank for a Interest rate is 10 % and base amount is 0.4% so how much they had paid monthly Emi ? they provideansews like 1) 100000 2) 114000 3) 140000 4) 104000 Remaing questions I not remember.


What is client server application testing?


what is e-tester?


What is an exit criteria?


What about manual testing opening in bangalore in September. Not getting a single interview call from last one month.


hi experts, i was asked to write down the requirement description,test scenario, and test cases for gmail login and send email and then to check the email was sent in the sent mails.the format given to me was like this: Req ID, Req description, Test Scenario, Test cases....Can anybody please help me out with this..


What is the first test in software testing process?


a newly launched web site is hosted on web server.It is expected that 100 people visit the website every hour and browse 30 pages spending a total 15 minutes. what is the maximum hits/sec that the web server should support this load?justify your answer. need urgently. by rimesh


What type of questions will be asking for 2 years experience candidate in manual testing?


Q) Create Preffered customer: As a customer when i purchase more than $5000 in goods since my first purchase, I become a preffered customer so that i can receive the benefits associated with that status.


IF ASCII_CODE_OF_ENTERED_CHAR is less than 44 THEN reject it ELSE IF ASCII_CODE_OF_ENTERED_CHAR is greater than 56 THEN reject it ELSE it's a digit, so accept it Which one of the following sets of ASCII codes do you use to test the sample code above WITHOUT redundant coverage?


what is your daily activities?


What is smoke test?