Manual Testing Interview Questions
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Differentiate verification and validation?


What is the difference between stlc and sdlc?


Functional and Integration test scenarios for actitime application


can you show me the test cases on registration form


Imagine you are in an empty room with a fan, a bulb and an air conditioning system. There is a switch board on the wall with 32 switches and 2 plug points. You are tasked with testing this setup. Assume you are not given any requirements whatsoever. How would you approach it? What would be your priorities? If you make any assumptions, do state them.

1 2316

What are all the important Key Metrics in Software Testing?

1 943

My name is Akpos from Nigeria. I have finished manual testing course. Please, can someone advise me where to go on from here?


I have interview on Guide wire testing. If you please share me.


Negative test cases for phone camera


How to do cards Testing? And give sample test cases please? And tell me about vision plus card?


The Test strategy, in Test Plan document must be changed according to the type of test to be conducted. The main reason could be,

1 1520

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Un-Answered Questions { Manual Testing }

How to find that tools work well with your existing system?


can any one post the format of tracebility martrix Plz...... Maid Id:


what is mean by impact analysis ,how we used to select regression TC using this?


iam new testing, i want improve writing test cases and bug defect etc? any on give suggestion pls?


which sanity testing is performed?


what r the 5 major defects that u found in ur shopping related project?


What are the various techniques in white box testing?


What is smoke test? Do you use any automation tool for smoke testing?


What is the limit for test steps?It should be 10/20/30etc


What is meant by Boundary value analisis and Equalence partitioning? Can give derive this using these methods? In a system designed to work out the tax to be paid: An employee has £4000 of salary tax free. The next £1500 is taxed at 10% The next £28000 is taxed at 22% Any further amount is taxed at 40% Which of these groups of numbers would fall into the same equivalence class? a) £4800; £14000; £28000 b) £5200; £5500; £28000 c) £28001; £32000; £35000 d) £5800; £28000; £32000


what are risks and contigencies(solutions) of an ecommerce (online shopping and bidding project)application?we describe this in Test plan can anyone tell me abt this?


Can you explain a pair-wise defect?


What's the relationship between environment reality and test phases?


Explain severity with example and expalin each example?


Scenario-based testing Option 1 concentrates on actor and software interaction Option 2 misses errors in specifications Option 3 misses errors in subsystem interactions Option 4 Both 1 abd 2