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Alcatel Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What is the difference between microprocessor and microcontroller?

64 186429

What is protocol testing. whether u have used any tool in telecom testing.

8 45418

Give Command that will change the name of a directly from paypal to eBay

3 10767

distinguish between multi-tasking,multi-user,multi- processing and time sharing?

7 30558

You have 5 jars of pills. Each pill weighs 10 gram, except for contaminated pills contained in one jar, where each pill weighs 9 gm. Given a scale, how could you tell which jar had the contaminated pills in just one measurement?

7 47759

If "basis points" are defined so that 1 percent is equal to 100 basis points, then 75.5 percent is how many basis points greater than 65.5 percent?

10 34460

What is the meaning of incident in testing?

9 27720

what is 802.11b

5 7404

Write a program which take a integer from user and tell whether the given variable is squar of some number or not. eg: is this number is 1,4,9,16... or not

9 9433

What are templates? where we should use it?

2 4460

Tel me step By Step while accessing the webmail and outlook for all the user's it is asking the user name and password frequently ?


How do we take the backup of the mailbox for the single user.

1 5376

what'll happen if one isup link gone down? to brief this question...isup link is active between two nodes.if one goes down what are all the messages will be transfered to active node(bit wise,MTP wise)?

1 6110

implement NAND gate logic in C code without using any bitwise operatior.

4 31059

implement OR gate without using any bitwise operator.

1 5088

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Un-Answered Questions

What are the disadvantages of microkernels?


State the uses of syspring, sysin, sort fields, sum fields and dummy.


Explain the combusion chamber


Keyword planner can help you build a new search network campaign by?


What is ole automation?


What is the default thread stack size in windows?


The multicast ttl setting for a cluster in the weblogic admin console sets which of the values? : BEA Weblogic


Is windows faster than linux?


How to remove/clear the data from local storage?


Define tables and fields in a database


What is PL/I?


What are analytical snapshot?


What is important tag in html?


Why do we use 0?


How do I install android on my phone?