Software Interview Questions
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Can anyone please explain me the process of automating an application using QTP as i am new to this?


1 3915

why the loading set-up tables only for LO extraction.why not for other extractions like FI,CO-PA?plz gv me answer clearly..very need

Deloitte, TCS,

4 13991

after created billing how many output types we can give?

Accenture, SAP Labs,

3 8623

In credit management we gave one customer high risk category and automatic credit check. He reached payment 1 lakh the cusotmer blocked. Again if he will come after one year system will take automatically or not what to do?


3 7791

what is the idocs and explain steps?


2 4428

text determination in sales what is the header and item text?


2 3099

tell me support tickets, which tool you use?


2 3978

what is the functions specks?


3 6361

1)What cannot be consolidated in GCS? 2) When you setup calendar in GL is it possible to change it?



with same materials with different plants values should be posted to respective g/l accounts in sap sd

1 3614

What are the various statuses of Transactions


1 6537

Prepared transaction for 1000$, Received receipt from customer For 1000$, Transaction and receipt closed. customer returned 200$ worth goods, He wants refund for 200$. how can you achieve this.

Accenture, Cap Gemini,

2 8394

i have an external excel datasheet where it only contains 3 rows. after qtp executed the code to import the datasheet, the datatable getrowcount method now gives me a different value, lets say 60,000+ instead of only 3. i did not have any values starting from row 4 of my excel file. why is this happening? this also results to the qtp report to load for a very long time.


How to find only %th Highest Sal

Infogain, Symphony,

6 10127

Just came across this question, felt worth sharing, so here it is I want you to make a C/C++ program that for any positive integer n will print all the positive integers from 1 up to it and then back again! Let's say n=5 I want the program to print: 1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1. Too easy you say? Okay then... You can ONLY USE: 1 for loop 1 printf/cout statement 2 integers( i and n) and as many operations you want. NO if statements, NO ternary operators, NO tables, NO pointers, NO functions!

1 2857

Un-Answered Questions { Software }

How to use fetch statement in a loop?


What is jdbc odbc bridge in java?


Explain force logging feature in 9i.


What is the difference between spring mvc and spring rest?


How can you check whether a record is valid record or Invalid record using ADO control or Object?


How many ways to get the current time?


What is recall?


How do you change the style/class on any element?


Write an email to the client when your project is going to be released but unfortunately many major bugs are found and your lead is absent on that day, now you are the leader of the group and you have to release the build.


Can you please explain the difference between photoshop elements/photoshop and photoshop lightroom software?


What are common uses of Apache Spark?


name the components of report net?


Is magento the best ecommerce platform?


What is the scope of a local variable in ruby?


What size is a 16 9 powerpoint?