Software Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

what is the difference between sanity and smoke testing?

11 12434

what is UAT and IST ?

5 59487

what is solution builder? when and where it will be useful? Is also a methodolgy to implement the project?


1 5238

how the customer required delivery date determined? or delivery date determined?


6 34259

suppose the customer creates purchase order directly, where u have to store the purchase order?


5 9277

write a program to find out number of on bits in a number?

Huawei, Microsoft,

17 26779

What would be a person who is looking for a job in testing should put his jobprofile in some jobs websites like Naukri,Times,Monster,Etc,Etc.... as a QA or QC if He/She is trying for Manual or Automation Testing?

2 4397

What is meant by Framework?Is the framework related only to AUTOMATIO or else it will applicable to MANUAL testing too?


9 12086

Hello, Can we capture only the labels of the web page in the object repository. If yes, then how. Actually my scenario is: I have to capture all the label of mercury site php. and want to copy all these labels in the notepad. So,please help me how to do this all. Thanks in advance, Gaytri

4 8681

hi, i am 4 years experienced in a customised local ERP run by our company. I have implemented Stores, Purchase, HR and Finance modules of the same. I am very much intersted in getting into SAP-HR, though i am not a HR person. Is there any institution which gives training and also jobs to freshers in SAP-HR? If not HR which specialisation should i try out as i also know Redhat linux and Win2003 Server.



How do u ensure that there are no duplicate testcases?

3 6667

I have thousands of links are there, i want check each and every funtionality of link by using descriptive programme, retrive link name from excelsheet then operate in application. Please anybody send me model script


1 3503

I want to open only one instance of vb application(.exe ) in my Machine , what should i do.? Please reply me asap. at


1 3842

is it possible to check the text displayed in the tool tip using QTP? if so, how?

6 14638

I am using descriptive programming for my project.when QTP deosn't identity or recognize a object by record and playback method,is it possible to make QTP identify that object using descriptive programming? Note: The object doesn't have unique properties and same properties used in Record and playback are only available, no extra properties are defined.

3 8727

Un-Answered Questions { Software }

What is the difference between call transaction and session?


Explain me what is bdc stand for? How many methods of bdc are there?


Explain the use of resource manager class in .net.


Name the common assemblies used in WPF?


How do I run a .sh file in windows?


What makes c shell a more preferable option than the bourne shell?


Why did you decide to pursue your career at Subway?


What is a set in idms? What pointers are required, what are possible? How may sets be ordered?


What is application and session in


When should you use dojo?


can I port my existing applications from the mainframe or os/2? Will there be extensive changes required to do this?


You are the project manager for a web development project. You hold regular project status meetings and publish status reports on a timely basis. You know that communication is one of your most important functions. As such, all of the following are true except: A. Senders are responsible for sending clear, concise, complete messages. B. Receivers are responsible for understanding the message. C. Communication can be vertical or horizontal or both. D. Effective communication techniques include making eye contact, nodding, and asking clarifying questions.


Differentiate between window and page window.


Explain data binding in angular js.


What is asp software?