why we can not use dc in our country( INDIA)
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Answer / raghu
Very difficult to generate HVDC due to commutation probs..
cannot vary voltage levels easily.. most of the loads are
ac loads like induction motors.. transmission has to be
point to point and difficult to tap power.. cost of using
rectifiers and inverters is too high..etc..
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Answer / mohd. gulsher
Transmission of DC Power at High voltage is very coslty. it
is not easy to step up & Down to DC power & mostly
electricals equipment e.g. alternator, transformer are work
at ac.
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Answer / joy banerjee
Because INDIA is a very big country. There is long distance
gap between the genaration point and the load point.
Transmission of DC at different voltage levels is not
economical.(Now a days HVDC lines are there for
transmission of High Voltage DC but stepping it down for
different voltage levels is not economical). Hence DC is
not preffered.
AC Load is not the factor. (as earlier only Petrol/Disseal
vechiles were found on the road, but after the economically
availability of CNG/LPG people are shifting to the new
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1 Answers Shree Ram, Shriram, Sri Ram,
11 kV line deraction check by an Engineer.