how brushless dc motor is operating ?
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Answer / thowsif_csm team_emerson
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Answer / rajasekhar
we cant collect current as there are no brushes after the
commutation process
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Answer / ramya
hi how r u ? ya but iam not clear in it friend if any other
link you know means plz me thowsif
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Show Details FROM:Muhammed Ikram Message flagged Saturday, June 4, 2011 10:07 PMMessage bodyHello all, i want to ask a question to all of you that what is VMM (voltage monitoring module )? how it work,s? i heard somewhere that it compare 1 phase voltage to other phase voltage. but there is also some setting on it. how to set it,s setting. please tell me briefly. Thank,s and Regard,s. Muhammed Ikram.
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