what are the documents that will be created in testing cycle?

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what are the documents that will be created in testing cycle?..

Answer / vibha,

Test policy--by quality control people
Test Strategy--by quality analyst
Test Methodology---by project Manager
Test plan--by Test Lead
Test design
Test Procedure
Automation Testscript
Test log
Defect report
final test summary report

Except first four documents the remaining documents will be
prepared by Test engineers

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what are the documents that will be created in testing cycle?..

Answer / kris

use case document based on requirements
test plan
test strategy
test procedure/suit containing test cases
traceability matrix
defect report
test summary report

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what are the documents that will be created in testing cycle?..

Answer / sankar

while going for testing, we need the following documents.

1. SRS
2. Functional Spec
3. Test Plan
4. Test Case

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what are the documents that will be created in testing cycle?..

Answer / kaushik srinivas

* Use Case Report
* Test case Templates
* Traceability matrix
* Defect Tracking Templates
* Postmortem Report
* Testing & Quality Assurence Report
(User Acceptance Test Report)

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what are the documents that will be created in testing cycle?..

Answer / sudha

Test Strategy - by PM
Test plan -by Test Lead
Test design
Test Procedure
Automation Test scripts
Test log
Defect report
finally RTM(Req's Traceability Matrix) - by Test Lead

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what are the documents that will be created in testing cycle?..

Answer / sujatha

In Testing cycle we create the following documents.

1. Test strategy
2. Test Plan
3. Testcase
4. Review reports
5. Bug tracking doc
6. UAT testplan
7. UAT testcases
8. UAT test report
9. Test closure reports.

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