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Persistent Interview Questions
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What is Applet Flickering ?

1 5925

What is singleton class?

16 66295

what do you meant by Platform-Independent in Java?

6 26250

why Java is not purely object oriented?

9 11267

What do you meant by Runtime Polymorphism?

2 6033

Difference between abstract class and Interfaces in Java

9 18209

How many page directive we can use in a single JSP?

2 13166

Can we use methods in JSP? If so where the methods are stored in servlet class file?

6 26102

what do you meant by Platform-Independent?

6 12086

Why Java is not purely object oriented?

50 67074

what do you meant by Runtime Polymorphism?

13 32308

Difference between Hash Table and Hash Map?

10 19921

What are the OOPS concepts?

106 302030

if a number is choosen between 100 and 999 includeing these numberrs what is the provbabilty that the number selected does not contain a 7 is

23 42105

What is a semaphore?

20 48752

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Define curie temperature?


when resetting a password in adwords, what should a user keep in mind?


Can an access database be used online?


how does database connection using ADO.NET?


Explain the difference between footnotes and endnotes?


How would you pipeline large amounts of data?


What is mean by j2ee?


What is a thread pool?


What are sessions in codeigniter?


How many types of relations are there between dimension and measure group? : sql server analysis services, ssas


What is relationship? What number of sorts of relationship are there?


List some important characteristics on jre


What is a file in r?


What is the output of the lexical analyser?


What is forward channels in cdma?