what are active and Passive Components?

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what are active and Passive Components?..

Answer / kumara c b

The Components which are not required to operate external
force and bias are called Passive Components.
EX: Resistor, Capacitor and Inductor

The components which are required to operate external force
and bias are called Active Components.
EX: MOSFET, Transisitor, JFET

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what are active and Passive Components?..

Answer / sindhu





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what are active and Passive Components?..

Answer / atul kumar

active components are those which are capable of generating
energy while passive components are those which are unable
to generate energy.There are many active components used
electrical circuits with out the aid of this components we
cant amplify the signals.these components produce the energy
in the form of current and voltage.

passive components are those which are unable
to generate energy,resistors,inductors,capacitors are the
main passive components.these components by themselves are
not capable of amplifying or processing an electrical signal
but these are important in electronic circuit.

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what are active and Passive Components?..

Answer / naveed ahmed

Passive components are those components which shows
continious rate of change and linear response in the graph
and can not change its function by changing polaritr of
Ex.resistor inductor and capacitor
Active components are those components which shows the non
linearity in graph and change its function and property by
increasing or decreasing the voltage or by changing
Ex. transistor,diode,FET,etc

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what are active and Passive Components?..

Answer / malavika

passive components:components, by themselves, are not
capable of amplifying or processing an electrical signal are
called passive components.however these components are
important in the working of electronic circuits.the passive
components used in electronic circuits are
resistors,capacitors and inductors.
active components:components which are used for processing
or amplifying an electrical signal are called active
components.active components can be classified as tube
devices and solid state devices.

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what are active and Passive Components?..

Answer / malu

active:semiconductor devices,tube devices

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what are active and Passive Components?..

Answer / muhammad usama

Active elements are those which do not absorb energy.. and are used for the supply of current and voltages.

Passive Elements are those elements which absorb energy.. and do not supply current or voltages.

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what are active and Passive Components?..

Answer / nishkam j1in

active components are those components which does not
require external sources.for ex-opamp,transisters.
passive components are those components which require
external sources.for ex-capacitor,register etc

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what are active and Passive Components?..

Answer / niketha

the active device need the external power suplly
EX:transistor,op-amp,vaccum tube

the passive device do not need any external power supply

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what are active and Passive Components?..

Answer / speed king

The main components used in electronics are of two general
types: passive (e.g. resistors and capacitors) and active
(e.g. transistors and integrated circuits).
Passive:>Capable of operating without an external power source.
>Typical passive components are resistors, capacitors, inductors and diodes (although the latter are a special case).
> All non-semiconductors are passive components
>the passive components need no biasing for the activation
>they have no tendancy for amplify the signal.
passive components are energy storage elements.
eg:inductors,conductors etc.

Active: >Requiring a source of power to operate. >Includes transistors (all types), integrated circuits (all types), TRIACs, SCRs, LEDs, etc.
>All semiconductors are active components
>the active components are those component which amplify the
>signal or processes the signal or in the other words
these coponents need biasing for activation.
>active components are nothing but energy sources, which can
>give voltages, currents. eg:transistors, diodes etc.

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