What is gibbs free energy?
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I am pg student of chemical engg. I am intrested Heat Transfer Subject . I want information about advance heat transfer related PG PROJECT
how interstage pressure of multistage compressor is calculated?
BIOPROCESS ENGINEERING - EXAMPLE 14.1 : In differential centrifugation of cells with diameter D in centimeter, the square of D is given by D x D = [18n ln (RF / RI) ] / [ (RP - RFF) Wt ] where n is the fluid viscosity (poise), RF is the final radius of rotation (cm), RI is the initial radius of rotation (cm), RP is cell density (g / ml), RFF is the fluid density (g/ml), W the square for the rotational velocity in (radians / s) (radians / s), t is the time required to sediment from RI to RF (s). Derive an equation for W as a function for D, n, RF, RI, RP, RFF and t, with the stated units above, in radian & degree.
NATURAL GAS ENGINEERING - QUESTION 26.3 : The United States of America Energy Information Administration reports the following emissions in million metric tons of carbon dioxide in the world for year 2012 : Natural gas : 6799, petroleum : 11695, coal : 13787. Coal-fired electric power generation emits around 2000 pounds of carbon dioxide for every megawatt hour generated, which is almost double the carbon dioxide released by a natural gas-fired electric plant per megawatt hour generated. If 1 metric ton = 1000 kg and 1 pound = 0.4536 kg, estimate the total energy generated by natural gas in the world for year 2012, in gigawatt hour.
Explain the different ways in which solids can be blended?
Question 80 - Liquid octane has a density of 703 kilograms per cubic metre and molar mass of 114.23 grams per mole. Its specific heat capacity is 255.68 J / (mol K). (a) Find the energy in J needed to increase the temperature of 1 cubic metre of octane for 1 Kelvin. (b) At 20 degree Celsius, the solubility of liquid octane in water is 0.007 mg / L as stated in a handbook. For a mixture of 1 L of liquid octane and 1 L of water, prove by calculations that liquid octane is almost insoluble in water.
What is an additive?
QUANTUM COMPUTING - EXAMPLE 32.8 : In quantum computing, a quantum state is given by S = a | 00 > + b | 01 > + g | 10 > + d | 11 >. (a) Find S in term of | 0 > and | 1 > etc. (b) The probability of getting x is P(x). For S = 0.5 | 00 > + 0.5 | 01 > + 0.5 | 10 > + 0.5 | 11 >, find P(0) and P(1). Hint : P(00) + P(01) = P(0) = a x a + b x b, P(10) + P(11) = P(1) = g x g + d x d.
Is there any way to remove residual product left in pipes after a batch operation?
what is fund flow definition
can i drink deminaralised?
Are there any general rules that should be considered when designing a slurry piping system?