What is User Acceptance testing and when u'll do this and
who will do this testing.
If u got any bug while doing UAT what would be the status
of Severity and Priority?

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What is User Acceptance testing and when u'll do this and who will do this testing. If u got..

Answer / stl

A formal product evaluation performed by a customer as a
condition of purchase. The testing can be based upon the
User Requirements Specification to which the system should
conform. Use Acceptance testing is black box testing. User
Acceptance Testing is the last stage of the Software
Development Lifecycle. User acceptance testing we
validating all the user requirements specified in SRS is
met after code freeze. The acceptance test is the
responsibility of the client/customer or project manager;
however, it is conducted with the full support of the
project team. Before the software goes live determining if
software is satisfactory to an end-user or customer.?

The status of the bug would depends on the bug found .but
priority would be given high.

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What is User Acceptance testing and when u'll do this and who will do this testing. If u got..

Answer / ramprasad.s


1.User Acceptance Testing is To check the
Product/Application satisfies the User/Client.

2.User Acceptance Testing is done by Client/user.

3. Priority is High.
Severity depends How For the Application is Affected.


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What is User Acceptance testing and when u'll do this and who will do this testing. If u got..

Answer / khushbu nemade

as the name "user acceptance teting" tell us tht it is
related to clients/user ,who use our software /application ,
or wtever we deliever them called as product. we provide
them -their requirements ,use cases, test cases and their
result so tht they will be ease of running tht product.
if in UAT any bug related to functionality the status of tht
bug will be major.

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What is User Acceptance testing and when u'll do this and who will do this testing. If u got..

Answer / k.chandra sekhar

User Acceptance testing is nothing but after completion of
all possible functional and system tests, the project
management team invite the users to collect feed back of
the customer site people this type of testing is called the
user acceptance testing.
Under acceptance testing project management team fallow the
some tests.
b) They are,
c) Alpha testing.
d) Beta testing
e) Port testing
f) If you got any defect while doing UAT then if I can
possible then I will solve or I take the my lead or Pm
g) After I will explain the defect to client the
defect client give suggestion the I will give to the
severity and priority.

My name is k.chandra sekhar,
My phone no is 09246540049,
My mail id is ndra_143@yahoo.co.in
If any body want full explain send the mail

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What is User Acceptance testing and when u'll do this and who will do this testing. If u got..

Answer / rohituppal

UAT is done by client. In V model, UAT test cases are
written in requirement gathering stage.

Before handling the software to client, cliet runs the UAT
test cases and checks whether the developed software is as
per the requirements or not.

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What is User Acceptance testing and when u'll do this and who will do this testing. If u got..

Answer / padmas

User acceptance testing is done against the agreed requirements for which the product is developed. Mostly this type of testing is done by Quality Assurance team that includes client. User Acceptance testing is done when the defect free product is about to handover to the client. Any deviations from agreed requirements, or defects, will be identified in this type of testing. Any defect or more found in this time are given high priority based on the severity of it. Client assigns priority, severity for defects found.

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