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Questions / { padma }
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The Test strategy, in Test Plan document must be changed according to the type of test to be conducted. The main reason could be,

1 Manual Testing 3414

When we have 24hour a day, why do we have to have 12hour a day clock design.

1 Funny Interview Questions 4351

Answers / { padma }

Question { Trigent, 41748 }

Difference between QA and Testing?


QA is ensuring or assuring the product or service is defect free. Testing is finding that any bug exists in the product or service.(If QA stands for Quality Assurance of product or service), answer is specific to Software Development and Process Oriented Activities

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Question { iSoft, 17461 }

When should u feel that u can stop testing now?


The team/I feel that 'stop testing now' in the following contexts,

1.When there does not exist any functional bug/defect
2.When Schedule or resource crunch occurs
3.when schedule reached as per the test plan
4.when new requirements are arising and supposed to make changes to test specifications.
5.When test environment needs an Update for newer version of software's or a Client requirement to change of environment
6.When new build of product under development is ready to test-version
7.When test requirement and aim/goal of the testing is achieved as per the test plan.

There may exist other reasons to as per the market requirements and trends in the development process.

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Question { ICICI, 79388 }

why should i hire u?


This could be the question mostly asked just before confirming the offer to the suitable candidate, resource completed all the rounds of interviews by the panel, looking against job description and role and responsibilities the one needs to carry on during their tenure on the job within in given organization, mostly when more resources are available, suitable for same gets hired for sometimes, then gets recruitment is done.

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Question { Logica CMG, 9773 }

what is PDCA?


It stands P for Plan ,D for Do, C for Check, and A for Act.

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Question { 3265 }



As per the organization communication policy,either through
common channel of communication,or third party.

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Question { 42596 }

What qualities should a successful manager possess?


Because the manager is "Limited" in all the perspectives of above specified,
one need not required to have any qualities but be"With in Limits" given for the job -scope.

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Question { Infosys, 13501 }

UML: IS it a process, method or notation?


UML:Unified process in which methods communicate using pre
defined set of notations in each model.

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Question { Avon, 7067 }

Do you have any blind spots?


I will come back to you once i get what is the literal
meaning of it.

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Question { Avon, 7067 }

Do you have any blind spots?


In Project Management, while doing the performance appraisal,the organizational performance measurement system identifies the "Major Areas to Improve " either for a project,a department, or an organization.,often termed as 'Blind spots' .Few project issues which are not addressed due to the lack of resources,technology or other reasons, are also named as 'blind spots', (Also considered as negative ratings) for performance improvement etc.

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Question { HCL, 43123 }

How to swap values between two variables without using a
third variable?


Need more information related to,
1. the values and type of variables before doing a swap, in
order to do the efficient memory management and code
2.the reason to swap without using third variable.

3.code efficiency increased due to the two variable alone.

4.pre and post conditions for swap

5.the programming laguage to be used to do swap.

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Question { 13875 }

Why does the function arguments are called as "signatures"?


In the dynamic polymorphism the control has to distinguish
each function from other functions which has the same
function name.With the help of each method or function
arguments the control executes the function call,whenever it
is made.Each function call will be executed based on the
arguments passed.This is the reason, each function name
including the parameters or arguments has it own identity,
and this identification for the function is called
signature.Based on the signature, the control jumps from one
function to another in run time of the program.

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 0 No

Question { DELL, 5215 }

Tell about your role in project u did?


Roles and its responsibilities depend on each organization's hierarchy of responsibilities.

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Question { Accenture, 34847 }

When will you join ?


Will join ON or BEFORE (as the reporting day given in).

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Question { Inter Tel, 36599 }

What would you do, if you get the Jackpot of 1crore?


Change the programme name or title

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 3 No

Question { IBM, 7255 }

why are u not go for teaching prof.


If offer comes to fulfil it definitely will accept it based on suitable factors.

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