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QA Interview Questions
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what is cohensive testing and span control?


QA Paper

4 14240

1.Testing work starts once a)once requirement are complete b)once test cases are complete c)once coding is complete d)begining of requirement 2)For white box testing a)the tester is completely unconcerned abt the internal behavior of the program b)the tester is concerned with finding circumstances in which the program doesnot behave according to code standards c)test data is derived from market requirements 3)stress testing is a measure of one of the following a)application response time b)concurrent load an application can handle c)transactions per minute that can be handled d)virtual load at which the system will fail 4)UAT means a)testing performed on a single stand alone module b)testing after changes have been made to ensure that no unwanted changes were introduced c)testinf to ensure that the system meets the needs of the organization& the end user 5)software quality metrics will help u to a)keep account on the software quality of an application b)analyse and improve the deficiencies of an application c)both of the above d)none 6)Application that has GUI must be tested for usability a)for any kind of UI applications b)more necessary for web based applications c)only if the user is going to use the UI d)only if the user pays for it 7)the program according requirements expects the uppercase letters from A to Z.Analyze the following inputs and choose one that can cause the failure with greater probability a)@,[ b)1,0 c)B,W d)[,] 8)A system test that forces the software to fail in a variety of ways and verifies that softwware is able to continue execution without interruption.This definiton in nearest to a)Recovery testing b)Stress testing c)both of the above d)none 9)Automated testing is necessary when a)testing has to be done very quickly b)number of resources are very less c)most of the test cases are similar in anture d)all of the above 10)which of the following tests is performed early in a software testing process a)monkey testing b)unit testing c)system testing d)none 11)the testing technique that requires devising test cases to demonstrate that each program function is operational is called a)black box testing b)glass box testing c)grey box testing d)white box testing 12)what a UML diagram is useful for black box testing a)class diagram b)object diagram c)use case diagram d)sequence diagram 13)what kind of tools would you suggest to use for the automation of regression tests? a)capture and playback b)static analysis tools c)simulators d)debugging tools

3 11022

1.At the recent web developres bowling match,two ganes were played.Kiev beat stuart in both games;also Richard beat John in both games.The winner in game1 second in game2.Richard won game2 and John beat stuart in game1.No player got the same placing twice.Can you determine who finished where in each game?

2 5315

there are 3 jars of different jar holds 8 litres of milk,the other 2 jars of 5 litres and 3 jars are empty.There is no measuring level or marks in all the jars.Juggle between these 3 jars and get 2 jars containing 4litres each at the end.

26 80699

At a recent painting competition,Jonny's rendition of a constable was not last.priya only just managed to avoid last place and came third.the lady who paintd a monkey was very successfull and took first place>Mary beat the lady who painted the lady the temple and the lady who painted the flower beat saching.can you determine who painted what and who won

2 5660

During a recent school reunion,four men were discussing their starting salaries back in 1962.The salaries in question were 8,10,12 and 14 thousand pounds per year.of course the MP earned the most.Alan earned more thean brain and the doctor earnd more than Derek,the vet.charles could not remember what he started on.Brain,the lawyer,didnot start on 10,000pounds nor did Derek.can you determine who has which job and their starting salaries?

1 5875

how do u create a data table

1 4314

wat is compile module

1 4784

what is CR,BR

5 13208


5 20767

wat r some of the first steps you will take in your role as a QA

2 5752

write an e-mail introducing yourself to the client as a QA ead is not in town.


wat will be your testing approach for this product from project start to finish(product is landline phone)

1 2995

list the type of testing you think must be conducted on web application project

3 8242

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