what are the forces acting on gantry girder
Reinforced concrete: suppose you are doing rough estimate for purchase of rebar for reinforced concrete slab for single stores residential building. You know total concrete volume will be 100 m3. How many tons rebar 6, 10 and 12mm will you require for the project?
how to calculate number of bricks
For what building Built-on balconies are preferable? What are the advantages?
what is Fe415 & Fe5oo? also what are types of steel?
what is mean by bitumen emulsion
what is the specification for silt content in sand
cement required for construction of 400mm*200mm*200mm concrete solid blocks for 1sq.mtrs,how?
how much of the strength comes from post-production curing
why elongation index is not required for concreteing coarse aggregate..
"Gates of the dams are generally designed of curved shape". Why?
Diversion of cum to cft
what is the steel difference between np-2 and np-3 pipes and weight also