in RTVMBRD where you will find no.of records....(i mean in which attribute)?
who will provide realtime projects for me on mainframe banking Or health care domain on bangalore."it's urgent for me" pls send uregent reply
which one of the following cannot cause more than one execution of paragraph that may be nam in statement. A) simple perform B) perform with time C) perform until D) perform varying
Express the distinction between jes2 and jes3?
how would find total records in files using sequential?
Why are you looking for a change?
88 level entry is for
7 Answers Accenture, Cognizant, EDS, Wipro,
what is unit testing ? on which basis you will write test case ?
I would like to know some real time questions.. please any one help me.. If the changes made by you .. lead to system inconsistency how others will know its cause???
Are scope terminators compulsory? If they are, when?
Describe the benefits of drda?
Please send me the real time scenarios in Mainframe Project... i.e., it may be in banking or insurance sector or any other no problem..... please send your mails to
What is controlled keyword in PL/1?