REXX Interview Questions
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How do I Run My Rexx Exec.?

2 16890

How do I find or access the current level of a GDG?

2 14280

How do I access data in control blocks such as jobname?

1 7352

How do I access data held on the JES spool?


3 17612

What do unusual return codes such as -3 and 0196 mean?

2 8108

How do I pass parms to my ISPF Edit macro


2 15363

I am new to rexx db2 ,can anyone help me by expalinin how to code the db2 queries using rexx,and also plz send some link and examples using db2 queries.

3 10733

I want to code a REXX Program in order to load many tables in a database simultaneously in a batch fashion. Currently batch codes ar available in which only one job is submitted at a time and this loads only one table. My requirement is that many tables should be loaded at a time when one Job is submitted and can this be done using REXX Tool???

1 4429

I want to code a REXX Program in order to load many tables in a database simultaneously in a batch fashion. Currently batch codes ar available in which only one job is submitted at a time and this loads only one table. My requirement is that many tables should be loaded at a time when one Job is submitted and can this be done using REXX Tool??? I want code snippet or the coding for this , please

1 4419

I want to code a REXX Program in order to load many tables in a database simultaneously in a batch fashion. Currently batch codes ar available in which only one job is submitted at a time and this loads only one table. My requirement is that many tables should be loaded at a time when one Job is submitted and can this be done using REXX Tool??? I want code snippet or the coding for this , please

1 5666

I am tryin to select one records(SQL) using Rexx.Here is the code ADDRESS DSNREXX "EXECSQL FETCH C1 USING DESCRIPTOR :TBSQLDA" IF SQLCODE = 0 THEN DO LINE = '' DO I = 1 TO TBSQLDA.SQLD LINE = LINE TBSQLDA.I.SQLDATA END I SAY LINE END ADDRESS DSNREXX "EXECSQL CLOSE C1" ADDRESS DSNREXX 'DISCONNECT' i am getting the following errors and also i dont know wr to see the ouput.Can anyone please hlep me in solving this? 28 +++ ADDRESS DSNREXX 'DISCONNECT' Error running DB2REXX, line 28: Incomplete DO/SELECT/IF


2 10158

If there are a set of statements and each has a word "value" in it, If I want to display all these statements so that the word "value" is aligned, then how do I code this in REXX. e.g - The value of X is Y. Wot is its value? Do u know its value? I want to know its value.

1 4518

I'm new to rexx. How to code rexx in jcl to read in a lpar cpu usage file and select 1. date, time 2. some system names 3. cpu usage for each system. The input file has hourly reporting. The output file (CSV)is for excel use. Run in batch mode. Output in FB.

1 6890

I want to set position for a particular text in a certain position in several of my cics maps.Please provide me with a solution. Ex: If "F1-Help" has to be set to pos(4,27) always in all the maps within a PDS.


i'm getting error while editing macro, its not even entering into the macro, getting error like 31 *-* "EDIT DATASET('"DSN"("MEM")') MACRO("CHGLINE")" +++ RC(-3) +++ ? any idea why?

1 4147

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Un-Answered Questions { REXX }

Can I cleanly uninstall oorexx?


have you already used rexx - even for limited purposes? Do you need to maintain a high level of productivity during your transition to unix?


When will a port of ooRexx to "XYZ" be available?


can I redistribute oorexx freely with commercial software?


is oorexx compatible with ibm object rexx?


What is the difference between ooRexx and IBM's Object REXX for Windows?


how to pass parms to ispf edit macro?


What does the sample library of uni-rexx consist of?


I have one input file and some 40 tables, I want to read input file and compare the input file value with the table value if it is present then we have to update with new value, this should be repeated for all 40 tables and we are reading only one input file, for this is there any REXX program or job or routine to accomplish above requirement. components of the requirements; 1. One input file 2. 40 DB2 tables 3. we have to read from the input file and compare with table value, if present then update with new value (this should be recurssive for all 40 tables for every record of input file). 4. quick help is appreciated.


I want to open particular list of members inside pds.Let me know whether below code will work.if not tell me how it works INPUT='DDM.DATASET(AAA*)' X = OUTTRAP(MEMS.)


How to find or access the current level of a gdg?


What are the various error conditions seen in rexx?


Is it possible to combine uni-rexx with a compiled language in any application? What applications interfaces are there?


can oorexx run ibm object rexx programs?


I executed one job and I forget to save the final JCL. But took an XDC from SPOOL. Now I want to recover the JCL from XDC dataset. Is there any process to do this?. (Manually it takes a lot of time). Is there