I am getting above 60 V as open delta voltage against single
phase unit ICT at tertiary delta formed and ICT getting
trippped on NDR. ICT tested and found in order. PTs provided
on tertiary are tested and in order. what may be the reason?
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hi frenz,its aswathy.i hve aplied for the hpcl test on feb,pls send the test patern & the placement papers as soon as possible. mail-id :kjaswathy@gmail.com
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We have one 500KVA transformer. We have tested REF relay and commissioned. After one and half year, due to some ground fault in one of the DB circuit Transformer tripped by REF relay. What will be cause and remedy. Please advise?
I have 2500KVA transformer delta/star,13.8KV/380V provided with LV 4000A breaker. Already I have 2300KW motor feeder with a full load 90%. Is it possible to connect another 1600A from that breaker? If so how the calculation is done?
ell me capacitor bank chossen formula.load in KW