What is Petty Cash Book?

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What is Petty Cash Book?..

Answer / arif ilteja khan

petty cash is a small amount of discretionery funds in the
firm of cash used for expenditure where it is not sensible
to make the disbursement by check because of the
inconvenience and cost of writing singing and the cashing
the check.

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What is Petty Cash Book?..

Answer / kedarnath barik

It's as like as cash book.but something different .In cash
book we maintain two side i.e.,DR& CR.In petty cash book we
maintain the same ,but the credit side is divided into
expenditure ways.Like xerox , tea exp, stationery & etc.

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What is Petty Cash Book?..

Answer / chandan pandey

in business routine all daily receipts (cash& cheques)are paid in to bank, like wise all payments done by cheques are entered in the cash book payments,these are of two types small and big.if all the payments are entered in the cash book it will become too bulky. there fore this payments are made by petty cashier, a person other than the main cashier.a petty cashier is given a certain amount of money and then all small payments like tea,coffee,carriage,etc.. which r of insignificant in nature are made by him.and the details are maintained in the petty cash book.

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What is Petty Cash Book?..

Answer / hashala

petty cash exp. are those type of exp are incurred in day to
day transaction. These exp incurred regularly day to day
work of company.for exp-Tea,xerox, conveyance (local )etc.

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What is Petty Cash Book?..

Answer / manoj kumar

petty cash book always day to day various column for co.exp such as stationery , permillary exp. etc. so this decrease our cash and other side means dr. always receipt income such as cash sale , cash received from debtor.etc or sale of scrap things.this is petty cash book

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What is Petty Cash Book?..

Answer / kafu.kafi

it is a account which shows all type of small expenses of
business which are not record in cash acconunt like tea ,

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What is Petty Cash Book?..

Answer / varma

the cash book or a record which is used to enter the minor or small \petty\ transactions is called pettycash book a seperate accountant is kept to maintain this cash book he is called petty cashier

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What is Petty Cash Book?..

Answer / vidya

petty cash book is an enjoyment of day to day life

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What is Petty Cash Book?..

Answer / gurpartap singh

A petty cash book is one in which all petty or small payments made through petty cash fund are recorded systematically. Petty cash book is maintained by the petty cashier. Petty cash book can be maintained either in a simple or in analytical way.

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