two bulbs of 100w and 40w respectively connected in paralel
across a 230v supply.which bulb will glow bright and why?

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two bulbs of 100w and 40w respectively connected in paralel across a 230v supply.which bulb will g..

Answer / anna

100w bulb will glow with more brightness due to parallel

Is This Answer Correct ?    25 Yes 5 No

two bulbs of 100w and 40w respectively connected in paralel across a 230v supply.which bulb will g..

Answer / ahatesham

Obviously 100W bulb will glow brighter because voltage
across both bulbs are same but current flowing through 100W
bulb will be more compared to 40W and power of 100W bulb
will b more.

Is This Answer Correct ?    18 Yes 1 No

two bulbs of 100w and 40w respectively connected in paralel across a 230v supply.which bulb will g..

Answer / sarmadahmed

Bulbs have filament and its light depends on how hot the filament is. The greater the current, the hotter will be the filament, and the brighter will the bulb lit.
Since both the bulbs are connected in parallel, the voltage across them will be equal, 100 watt bulb will have (100/230)= 0.435 amp of current while 40 watt bulb will have (40/230) = 0.174 amp of current passing through it. Hence 100 watt bulb will be brighter.

Is This Answer Correct ?    9 Yes 1 No

two bulbs of 100w and 40w respectively connected in paralel across a 230v supply.which bulb will g..

Answer / shivam

Both Bulb is glow Bright Same,Because it connected in paralel.

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 11 No

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