What is SEBI?

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What is SEBI?..

Answer / ishav khan

SEBI is the committee or Board to control and look after the
invester's investment within full security and protect their
interest.it is full under control Govt.of India

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What is SEBI?..

Answer / prerna

SEBI is security and exchange board of india formed by
govt. of india in 1988 located in mumbai.it mainly protects
the interests of investors in securities,promotes
devlopment of securities market,and regulates security

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What is SEBI?..

Answer / sirisha

The Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 is
having retrospective effect and is deemed to have come into
force on January 30, 1992. Relatively a brief act containing
35 sections, the SE BI Act governs all the Stock Exchanges
and the Securities Transactions in India.
A Board by the name of the Securities and Exchange Board of
India (SE BI) was constituted under the SE BI Act to am
minister its provisions. It consists of one Chairman and
five members.
One each from the department of Finance and Law of the
Central Government, one from the Reserve Bank of India and
two other persons and having its head office in Bombay and
regional offices in Delhi, Calcutta and Madras.

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What is SEBI?..

Answer / kundan kumar

SEBI securities Exchange Board of India. SEBI control the
stock Exchange. which
controls the stock exchange and which protects investors.
regulate all the company which is listed in sebi and
whole body of making rule and regulation for stock.

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What is SEBI?..

Answer / arti

security exchange board of India .

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What is SEBI?..

Answer / tamizhlselvan

SECURITY EXCHANGE BOARD OF INDIA (SEBI).It control all the stock exchange in India.IT will protect Investors from fradulant.companies must act according to the rules and regulation of the SEBI.

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What is SEBI?..

Answer / pavan kumar c m

The Securities and Exchange Board of India (frequently abbreviated SEBI) is the regulator for the securities market in India. It was established on 12 April 1992 through the SEBI Act, 1992.

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What is SEBI?..

Answer / pranav

What is imf?

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What is SEBI?..

Answer / shruthi

security exchange board ofindia

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What is SEBI?..

Answer / manish

security exchange board of india (SEBI).It was formed in jan. 1992. It was established by goverment of india in 1991. It control the stock exchange. SEBI protect the investors because all rules & regulate by the SEBI. Its main function is to stop fradulant activities of stock market. its full control over stock market, its ensure smooth functioning of capital market. if the companies issuing share should give a proposal to SEBI regarding thierr issuing shares in the market .

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