How to conduct Regression Testing Manually?

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How to conduct Regression Testing Manually?..

Answer / suneel reddy

regression testing is nothinng but reexecution of test
cases on the modifies build to determine whether the
defects clossed or not?

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How to conduct Regression Testing Manually?..

Answer / neelam

verifing the build one or more times by manually.

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How to conduct Regression Testing Manually?..

Answer / archana

According to ISTQB regression testing is testing of a
previously tested program following modification to ensure
that defects have not been introduced or uncovered in
unchanged areas of the software, as a result of the changes
made. It is performed when the software or its environment
is changed.

Here only the defects which were raised by you will be
picked up and tested.

Go to that perticular window where you found the defect and
verify if it is working or not

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How to conduct Regression Testing Manually?..

Answer / prabu

In some situation requirements might be change in the sense
dynamically,so after build the project completely some more
requirments may come from user side at the time if we
include those requirements in side the already build
project it will come to the testing phase ,in that
situation need to go through regression testing,just check
whether the new requirements have affected any other
modules present in the project... that to say in a simple
words the output from the change request would affect the
other modules or not.......

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How to conduct Regression Testing Manually?..

Answer / m.ragothaman


Regression Testing Definition :- After changes made in
the application or After fixing some bugs - Application
should not deliver any new bugs.

How do you conduct manually -
by periodically - means definenite day , Tester take the
latest code and do testing for given set of bugs.


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How to conduct Regression Testing Manually?..

Answer / pinky

here every body is giving answers for what is regression
testing but the question was how to conduct regression
testing manually can anyone give then answer...

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How to conduct Regression Testing Manually?..

Answer / saff5005

regression testing can be done manually only through some
pgming techniques
mostly it is done using automation tool

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How to conduct Regression Testing Manually?..

Answer / pikem

after getting bug fixed by the developer and received thru
for tester he want to conduct regerssion testing to check
whether the bug was fixed properly in an application.

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How to conduct Regression Testing Manually?..

Answer / lakshmi

after retesting

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