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FIC Interview Questions
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How to conduct Regression Testing Manually?

9 15083

BPO means?

21 102025

Actually by using severity u should know which one u need to solve so what is the need of priority?

11 12259

How will you automate a test case?How will u find a IPconfig of an appln or a machine?

1 4415

what is difference between abstraction and interface?

8 10898

What is an idle thread?

2 28504

Where did you find this job?


Who is in USA?

3 6545

what is the need to write testcases??? cant u test ur application with SRS?? y u have to write testcase document??

4 6466

what is lifecycle of a buG??? give an example of high severioty and low priority bug???

3 6392

what is the main difference between client server and webserver???

4 14055

what is clinet side validation and server validation??

2 5843

tell about build process???how do u get abuild?? what u l do when u get a build??

2 5826

what is functionality testing?? what is system testing?? does system testing involves functionality testiting??

5 10462

what are the different types of browser compatability u will test ?

7 13488

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What Is A Demat Account?


How magic methods are used in php?


What app opens aspx files?


Explain mdt?


How do you configure SharePoint to work with CRM 2011?


Explain the steps to create satellite assembly?


Define a typical devops work flow ?


How many register we are using in mvs?


Can you discuss the challenges and strategies for managing common neonatal conditions like jaundice or respiratory distress syndrome?


How you can turn off the display for dimension in CAD?


What is rails scaffolding?


What is tinker in laravel?


Explain we take the area of collector wide comparison to base and emitter. Why?


What are the types of parameters in the function modules?


What is the minimum value of hfe for the oscillations in transistorized rc phase shift oscillator?