what is tracebility matrix and what will be there in
tracebility matrix?tell me details like idno,
discription....etc.pls any one answer this question?

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what is tracebility matrix and what will be there in tracebility matrix?tell me details like idno, ..

Answer / vasantha

Tracebility matrix means map between the application and
testcases.In that we mentioned requirement id,description
amd testcases will be mentioned.

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what is tracebility matrix and what will be there in tracebility matrix?tell me details like idno, ..

Answer / ganesh kumar. m

After complete the test case design before start the test
case execution, Test Manager will be preparing the
Requirement Traceability Matrix. This RTM document is
generally used to ensure the Test Coverage. First all the
High level requirements should be drilled down into several
low level requirements. Then the Test Cases should be
mapped for all the low level requirements. All the
requirements should have minimum of one test cases and
maximum of more than one test case. If all the requirements
will have the test cases, then we can ensure the Test
Coverage. If some of the requirements doesn’t have the test
cases, testing team will be preparing the test cases for
that particular requirement and will be mapping into the
requirements before start the test case execution. In this
case, the testing team will not miss any functionality
during the testing phase from the requirement

the bellow column are used in TM
1. Requirements ID
2. Module / Functionality
3. Requirement Details
4. Functional Description
5. Test Case ID
7. ShareIT Location

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what is tracebility matrix and what will be there in tracebility matrix?tell me details like idno, ..

Answer / vasantha

tracebility matrix means it is the map between application
and testcases.this can be dont by testers.

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what is tracebility matrix and what will be there in tracebility matrix?tell me details like idno, ..

Answer / biswal

Traceability Matrix:

Coverage Completeness can be achieved by creating a
Traceability Matrix.

Traceability is the means of tracking down each individual
requirement in the SRS to various work products created
during the course of the Project.It describes the link
between different stages of the Project Item – from its
requirement to a configurable stage.
Creating a Matrix is to prove that the System requirements
are the requirements desired by the user.

Traceability Matrix is of two types:

Backward Traceability:
Backward Traceability to the documentation and other work-
products created prior to the requirements phase.

Forward Traceability:
Forward Traceability will depend upon how each requirement
in the SRS is labeled / numbered. Forward Traceability is
extremely important, as this is one of the ways of tracing
a requirement to its implementation.

In short, the requirements are traced as below:
a)Requirements traced to Database tables.
b)Requirements traced to Program Specifications
c)Program Specifications traced to Test Cases
d)Test Cases traced to Program Code

So As a whole You can say by traceability Matrix you can do
the Gap Analysis.

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what is tracebility matrix and what will be there in tracebility matrix?tell me details like idno, ..

Answer / saravanaraja

TM: To check the coverage of the requirements. In this we
can map requirements-id with Test Case-id.

Requirements-Id = This id present in the SRS.
Test Case-Id= This id present in the Test Case.

Status= "Pass" when Exact Match.
"Fail" When does not Match.

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