What is version control in informatica ?
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Answer / poonam kute
Version control in informatica is nothing but maintaining
versions of the changes that you made in mapping.
we can acheive it by check in and chek out utillity
check out its like u r locking mapping for other user and u
r going to create new version for that mapping.
in check in other user can see changes made in mapping and
it used to close that particular version of mapping
I hope it helps
correct me if i m wrong
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Answer / akhil4
checkin,checkout these are version controles in informatica
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Answer / muzeeb
by using version control we maintain the history of the meta
data objects.
there are two tasks to perform & maintain the version
control of the object..
1.check in
2.check out
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Answer / cmanojkumar
Thanks for your answer.Still my doubt remains same.
I would like to know is it for to track changes from
one version of informatica to other version of informatica.
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Answer / moorthy g
Check_Out and Check_in
While starting u have to give CHECK_OUT then made some
changes in the mapping then u have to give CHECK_IN.
Note: Before check_in to check the mapping twice atleast.
Correct me If I'm wrong.
Best Regards,
Moorthy. G
Is This Answer Correct ? | 2 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / cmanojkumar
Thanks for your answer.
But i would like to know is it for to track changes from
one version of informatica to other version of informatica.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 3 No |
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