OBIEE Interview Questions
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Define repository in terms of OBIEE?

1 2554

What is the end to end life cycle of OBIEE?

1 7593

If you have 3 facts and 4 dimension and you need to join would you recommend joining fact with fact? If no than what is the option? Why you won’t join fact to fact?

1 3564

What is connection pool and how many connection pools did you have in your last project?

1 2790

What is the purpose of Alias Tables?

1 2459

How do you define the relationship between facts and dimensions in BMM layer?

1 2725

Did you create any new logical column in BMM layer, how?

1 2441

Can you use physical join in BMM layer?

1 3416

Can you use outer join in BMM layer?

1 3097

What is level based metrics?

1 2360

What is logging level? Where can you set logging levels?

1 2327

What are different types of variables? 

1 2164

What is Authentication? How many types of authentication do we have in OBIEE?

1 2396

What is object level security?

1 2369

What is data level security?

1 2266

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Un-Answered Questions { OBIEE }

What is a table alias in obiee? And where and how will you create it.


What is time series wizard? When and how do you use it?


How will you go about adding additional column to the repository in the presentation layer?


You come morning to the office. And all the users are complaining about the obiee reporting system is very slow(dasboards). What is your approach to resolve the issue?


How we are going to decide which schema we are going to implement in the data warehouse?


Have you created hierarchy in obiee. If so where and how?


What is a bridge table ?


How will you do different types of narrative reports in obiee?


How will change port of obiee answers?


What is a table alias in obiee 11g? Where and how will you create it?


What is star schema and snowflake schema?


What are global filter and how they differ from column filter?


How will you create interactive dashboards ?


Can you run multiple rpd’s in a single obiee instance?


What is scd type 1 and 2.