Electrical Engineering Interview Questions
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When calculating the speed of a rotor required for a particular frequency of synchronous generator we use the equation 60f/p Is this p is the number of pole pairs of rotor & do we consider the number of pole pairs in the stator is 1?



Importance of fault current in power transformers and how to monitor the same? How is it different from winding temperature?



3,12,24,33,_ ,75,150 Find the missed number in this sequence


2 18764

What is given by the definition in BIL IMP/PF = 950/395 kV. This was found in a name plate of a power transformer.



can we keep open the secondary of current transformer?

Jyona Power,

1 2294

is dc transformer is possible ?

Jyona Power,

4 4112

is this the formula of building wiring to get the main breaker.Watts/volts*.8%+higher motor*(25%)=ampere. yes or no or send the correct formula for building wiring.


why we generate 11kv power supply in generating station?


1 3103

what will be the effect if you were using different brands of outlets?



What will be the output of an alternator ,if the field current is single phase ac supply.


1 2750

Question about ct secondaries connections?

1 2259

What is the function of turbo charger in generators

1 2904

Which rccb 30ma,100ma,300ma sensitivity should be used in domestic line and what is difference, advantage and disadvantage of all three

2 19814

sir, in a industry present pf is 0.54 pf 25hp power is there its want improve 0.9 pf. which suitable capacity capacitor is suitable please inform me.

2 2933

what will happen if synchronous machine rotor fed from single phase ac supply 


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How do i perform grounding of star point of Genset (400V) for making connection with step up transformer of DELTA-DELTA (400V to 20KV) ? while Genset itself has its own neutral and grounding bus bar inside genset breaker box whereas we have another neutral and grounding busbar in synchronizing panel next to genset at maximum distance of 6meter, would someone pls advice if we can only perform neutral grounding in synchronizing panel or should we ground neutral on both places inside genset breaker box and synchronizing panel.


1) why a dg set shows variation of power factor and load when synchronised with other dgs? 2)Why the load sharing is not become equal in all dgs?. 3)When a dg set will not run on auto start?


for 4 MVA , 33K.V/6.6K.V transformer. secondary side the connected load is 3000H.P. What is the rating of capacitor bank to be insttaled.


how to test reverse power trip?


What is the different types of cable & current capacity of cable


what is the function of statics switch in ups and tell me parts


What is EHT tariff or Power factor Tariff ????


What is CVT and what is relation with wave trap?


What is the comparison between 30mA DP RCCB and 100mA DP RCCB and can replace it against 63A MCB


What are the applications of the electric motors?


what are the advantage and dis-advantage of 3 phase 4 wire energy meter?


Please provided formula for calculate the cable size from step up transformer to M.V panel, run overhead aluminum cables, total load is 5mega watt, total length 900 feet.


Factory acceptance test. FAT. For 132 kv transmisstion towers what is that meaning and what are the tests commonly companies perform now days.


Why is a plain induction motor unsuitable for wide speed control?


what is automatic voltage regulator?we can control the vlotage by using fuzzy controller in matlab?why we go for fuzzy?