Electrical Engineering Interview Questions
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Wat is power factor exact meaning in terms of technical terms plz explain ?

4 5061

why we decide alternating wave form in ac system and not in dc system


2 4017

Why there is a current in neutral line


3 7762

HOW can i REuse the fused MLL LAMPS & GLS LAMPS at our factory


What is phase in electrical engineering?

5 14065

1- XC and the RC time constant are both measures of the reaction of C to a change in ____? 2-The power factor is a numerical ratio with a value between 0 and 1 equal to the ______________ of the phase angle. 3-When V and I are out of phase because of reactance, the product of V times I is called ______________ power 4-For _____________ inductors, the branch currents can be added algebraically. 5- The ______________ power in watts can be calculated as I^2R 6-Calculate XL with L = 30mH and f = 1kHz ( I have Xl=2piFL 2*3.141592653*1kHz*30mH =188 ohms Please check) 7-A parallel RL circuit has the values, R = 5kohms, XL = 5kohms. A voltage source of Vt = 10Vrms is connected in parallel to R and L. Determine the total current, It delivered by the voltage source Vt. 8-A series RC circuit has R = 1Mohm and C = 1microF. How long would it take for the capacitor to fully discharge if it is initially fully charged? 9-A circuit has real power = 300W and an apparent power of 500VA. Determine the power factor and phase angle. 10-The time constant for an LR series circuit is T = 0.1s and R = 10ohms. Calculate the inductance L.


How much difference can there be between HT & LT KWH unit consumption at the same load?


1 6271

What are the test involved in DG auto synchronizing panel before in manufacturing place before dispatch.


2 4652

sometime battery charged and then automatically charged when rectifier ON conition, is there any chances please clarify the same.

1 2874

sometime battery charged and then automatically charged when rectifier ON conition, is there any chances please clarify the same.


Hello sir, pls send me hpcl technical test papers .i am. Appearing for the exam.



Hello sir i m student of gtu .what is idp.


what is doid


Can you please explain creepage distance in detail, for a 6.6kV cable head what must the distance be and how do you determine it?

Prism Cement,


How to PLC give the command to electrical

1 2716

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Un-Answered Questions { Electrical Engineering }

What is diversity factor in electric installations?


while starting a liquid starter ,is there any volage drop on water/soda on tank.can we touch the tank on starting?


how can we determine size of a cable by knowing the kw or current rating of a load?how can we calculate the resistance box of a slip ring motor?


How is operate breaker failure scheme in substation


How PSV sizing being done


What are the advantages & disadvantages of a group electrive drive?


how to convert lv line to hv line and viseversa, any losses will occur during this process


What does ampere turns shows?


What is the tests required for a 132 kV, 400 kV , 765 kV for a Circuit Breaker and Power Transformer before commissioning ?


what is the differences between microprocessor and general purpose computer


how can tell us the AC indoor or outdoor which Tr and formulls


Why do you have to use Protecion relay with the function MTB ( Mechanical Trip Button ) for electrical system.


placement paper samples of mspl company


A commercial Building is designed with 14th floor levels with indoor substation of three phase transformer with rated capacity of 1000 Kva.The transformer delivered 65% of its rated capacity at 0.67 power factor lagging.Because of low power factor, the power customer was penalized and certain cost was charged accordingly based on every point percentage lower than 85%.This situation may repeatedly happen on the succeding energy bills of power customer.The power customer is desired to improve its historical power factor of 0.67 lagging and no further penalty be impose by the local power company on the next bill. Q: Identify the appropriate solution you want to offer to Client?.Justify SCIENTIFICALLY and MATHEMATICALLY the principles behind the solution.


whate is the meaning of balance/unbalance,in stabilizers type