which is chemical used as in ro water what is difference betweeen multi grade filter&dual media filter
1703which pump used in WTP explain the function of VFD how to dtermine capacitorbank of capacity one plant
1540whydoes the p.f of diesel generator always be 0.8 explain how will you determine the shortcircuit capacity of network
1 3120how much mininmum length required to conduct a DC Hipot Test on 33kV AC Cable with 45kV DC? Is it 20meter or Less then 20?
1689what is the clearances between phease to phease & phease to earth in 400 kv transmission line?
1 3700how to calculate short circuit calculation of the transformer by usuing the percentage impedence? formula needed.
2 5730Post New Electrical Engineering Questions
what is the use of current transformer in power transformer secondary side.?its connectyed in WTI
How many kinds of E.L.C.B and how to work E.L.C.B
what are the precuation should be taken ahen installing power transformer,circuit breaker,current & potential transformer
What is meant by rotor?
what is the formula for efficiency of francis turbine and generator for hydropower? what is best way to select francis turbine and generator?
why ss stablity limit is more transient stablity limit?
mostly the questions were from machines... d.c. machines, transformer, synchronous and induction all theory paper........ few from power system... but the level of paper was easy.....
What are the advantages and disadvantages of closed-loop control system?
is there any device that works properly accept relay, it may be fuse but if i want fuse of 33kv 300 amp it is avaliable, pls give me details
How to calculate earth wire load by formula
Why we are use dol starter up to 10 hp
Why there are some equipment(i.e:TV) that using 2-pin plug instead of three? What happen if there is current leakage? Are we going to get electric shock??
In single phase ac ups supply when current is measured with tong tester neutral current is found more than phase current.What is the reason?
What is the function of NGR for the parallel operation of alternator? whats happen when different rating of alternator are running with parallel?
we have a lot of model of rectifier but thyristor rectifier is the most rectifier that use in power system. Do you know why this rectifier is used?