Electrical Engineering Interview Questions
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What is short circuit analysis of electrical networks?What are the procedures to be followed for its calculation?


2 7276

how the arcing is made in ac electric arc furnace? ( between the three electrodes in any sequences or between the electrode & the charge(steel))

1 4098

What is Phasing out test?

1 22907

Why we have short circuit the secondary of the transformer

1 3797

what is high voltage in india?


11 13294

1)what is the function of a frequency inverter? 2)If a few frequency inverter are connected onto a device network,what are the two setting that will ensure the frequency inverter work properly on the network. 3)whats is the name of the input sensor for weigher? 4)How to confirm that the load cellis faulty? 5)Describe briefly the steps to validate that the weigher is working properly? 6)Describe the procedure to validate the flowmeter accuracy? 7)Describe briefly the steps to validate that the tempreture sensor/transformer is working properly. 8)what is the adjustment that need to be done when you are calibrating the temperature transmitter ? 9)what are the safety measures to be taken before disconnecting motor for rewinding. 10)whats is the synchronous speed in rpm of typical 4pole 50hz motor? 11)whats is the formula for kw, ohm's law 12)if a 3phase motor is rated 3kw,415vac,what is it's rated ampere?


how can we know the size of cable cross-section from current rating ?

3 4628

starting torque is increased and current is decreased by using external resistance in a slip ring induction motor. How??

3 6506

what the effect will occur if we increase the airgap in induction motor

IES, Tanfac,

4 11230

how can we select the type of wire.what factors we have to look on it , do we have some formula to calculate it. please guide me on it


what's the outstanding feature of universal motor?


2 7159

what will happen if phases are not shorted with neutral in transformer impedance test? and if neutral is not connected with ground?

1 3499

Three phase alternators are connected in star connection why?


13 39503

can u light up bulb with out useing neutral

12 24286

How can we findout the maximum efficiancy of Transformer? At which load?

HAL, Tanfac,


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Un-Answered Questions { Electrical Engineering }

Explain how to determine capacitor tolerance codes?


Pl.brief me any electrical major fault you have rectified.


why the field winding in dc motor is not short circuited eventhough dc supply is applied across the winding


How to Decide(calculate) Bush bar size for copper and aluminiam ?


How to select the cable and voltage drop in circuit?


What are hrc fuses and where it is used?


can we use ZNyn11 transformer instead of Dyn11 transformer in distribution for effectively eliminating harmonics from the industrial loads.


what is the difference between switch yard to residential area.and how much required it.


explain the Trip supervision circuit


How to calculate Grid rotor resistance(GRR) losses in slip ring induction motor?


What is knee point voltage of transformer?


Explain the advantages and disadvantages of hydropower plant?


Whether should be the oil level in OCTC transfomer? It should be upto winding immersed completely or should be upto tap changer s/w? How it will affect the performance of the transformer. Rating may be 33KVA


what is upper impedance and lower impedance of a distance relay


what is model question rrb junior engineer electrical gr.II