Civil Engineering Interview Questions
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Why are L-beams (cast monoloithic with slab)that usually occur at the slab edge, provided with overhangs?

1 3744

how to check the quality of concrete

3 8160

I s code of steel

Cicon Engineers,

6 9137

Why chairs are provided at slab?

DLF, Kalpakkam, SKYi,

3 9779

why will provide chair in slab

Prime Bank,

1 6534

How to calculate cement, aggregates for any one grade of concrete for icum?

Megha Constructions, MEIL, Student,

1 5779

how to calculate sand in CFT from a concrete foundation (m^3)???

1 2665

WBM Road aggregates quantity calculation

1 6675

A 16 pile group, consisting of diameter concrete piles, were cast in situ in a clayey soil whose unconfined compressive strength is 1100 psf. Each pile is 60 ft long and the pile spacing is 2.5 times the pile diameter.The water table is at the ground surface and saturated unit weight of the clay is 118 lb/cu.ft. using a factor of safety 3 and a reduction factor =0.45, compute the allowable capacity of the piles acting as individuals


afe or not


why mixing marble powder reduces setting time of cement


3 5522

what is the weight of 10mm,20mm,40mm aggregate

L&T, Ramky,


how to caliculate required amount of cement and sand required for 1cu.m.

Allied Group, L&T,


how calculate cutting length of stell in slab and column? give brif discussion with formula?

ATS, Gammon, Pegasus,

3 9910

can i place column steel lapping in floor beam? my lapping is 24 inches in floor beam and 24 inches on floor beam

1 4334

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Un-Answered Questions { Civil Engineering }

Howmuch bend to be provide for 200/600 BEEM


Design a rectangular channel.


how to find ssm in foundation?


how to find quantity of concrete in PCC M15


Test procedure of fly ash bricks as per code ?


What is M40 _ TOR - EQ and B.F.S


What is meaning of FREE STANDING STAIRCASE ?


Explain what are the skills required to become an architect?


what pressure the NP2 class RCC pipe can sustain?


what is the type of earthing


How many Sft of Level Plaster per Kg


How to convert 20 dia bar to 16 dia bar in beam without reducing the steel weight


What is the tensile strength of marble?


what does the track parameter mean in


can you please tell me what the current rate of construction material and different construction labourers charge in bangalore ???