Civil Engineering Interview Questions
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What is the weight of std brick and 6" ,8",4" solid block...?

3 6912

neutral axis more than the critical neutral axis then rainforcement in rcc beam belong to over or under rainforcement

2 4832

How Many Cement Bags Are Used in 1 Sqm Area for Plaster????

Era Infra Engineering, FactSet Systems, Indu Projects, L&T, Reliance, Rites,

8 25764

what is the water cement ratio of 1:6 and 1:4 cement sand mortar. reply soon



What is Rodding?

Gannon Dunkerley,

1 5171

what is the max. and mim. height of vertical post in informatry sign board which is used in highway projects.



what is the specific gravity of cement .define it and value?

1 5045

you are planning to paint a newly fabricated workshop building made of structural steel of 10 tons total are require to paint 1 cot of primer and 2 coats of top coat.How many liters of primer and top coat you will request

2 5868

why we take cube depth 150mm for testing

4 8003

what is the ideal construction joint for slab?

2 6147

why the cube depth is 150 mm which is used for testing


1 7565

whaat is blister in box girder bridge and what is its function..


why does only water ads in concrete?


5 10156

one litre of shuttering oil how much area covered the shuttering?


5 18236

How much percent of steel use in concrete members etc.slab,beam,lintal,colmn,raft fondation according to concrete volume? Kindly reply me I am in dbout plz

3 7709

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Un-Answered Questions { Civil Engineering }

Explain what is Critical Path Method (C.P.M)?


Elaborate advantages & disadvantages of using crusher dust instead of sand in rcc work.


How can we demolish concrete beams?


what is the use of water bar in water tank and is this an extra item in estimate?


how to estimate man power for estimating the time required for completion of a project in terms of carpenters,barbenders,masons for block work ,masons for plasteing ,unskilled labour, painters, tiles masons,plumbers and electricians for medium and high rise constructions and independent villa projects.


hii.plz send me hpcl placement papers for officers trainees for graduate engg plz my email id is


what is the clear cover for shearwall?


Explain the advantages and disadvantages of using plastic and timber fenders?


What are the advantages and disadvantages of lead products in construction?


Why reinforcement done in shorter span in two way slabs


In cement concrete how to check a quality of material also proportion of material at site ?


What is the difference between Rock And Murrum. How to claim that excavated material is not a murrum but rock.


Does brick grows bigger every year?


is it fair to recruit another prestressing agency once earlier agency has provided guide cone for post stressing the Concrete -I girders? It is observed that the bearing plate of another agency is not matching with the earlier one resulting in protruded strands after stressing from the face of girder. Kindly advice.


how much required strength of cement concrete bricks(size 230x115x75mm)