Engineering Interview Questions
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Whai isPCC and MCC Difference?

Pretech Plast,

1 1624

Why earthing is necessary for any equipment?


How we can calculate the life of Lead acid battery



Vibration probe working principle?

Tata Steel Limited,

1 2583

GWR radar transmitter working principle?

Tata Steel Limited,

2 2022

Turbidity analyzer working principle ?

Tata Steel Limited,


ORP sensor working principle?

Tata Steel Limited,


How to calculate dry of volume of concrete constant?How it comes 1.54 or 1.57



plumbing CPVC fitting FTE Brass full form



what is the principal of operatio of dc motor

1 1658

Temperature closer for brazing operation is-------


A commercial Building is designed with 14th floor levels with indoor substation of three phase transformer with rated capacity of 1000 Kva.The transformer delivered 65% of its rated capacity at 0.67 power factor lagging.Because of low power factor, the power customer was penalized and certain cost was charged accordingly based on every point percentage lower than 85%.This situation may repeatedly happen on the succeding energy bills of power customer.The power customer is desired to improve its historical power factor of 0.67 lagging and no further penalty be impose by the local power company on the next bill. Q: Identify the appropriate solution you want to offer to Client?.Justify SCIENTIFICALLY and MATHEMATICALLY the principles behind the solution.


How does your previous experience relate to the job you are applying for ?


How much current in 100 kva Transformer HT & LT side

1 1616

Question 77 - The molecular weights M in kg / mol of 3 different monomers a, b and c in a polymer are Ma = 14, Mb = 16 and Mc = 18, with their respective quantities in N units having the ratio of Na : Nb : Nc = 2 : 3 : 5. (a) Find the numerical average molecular weight of the polymer by using the formula (Ma Na + Mb Nb + Mc Nc) / (Na + Nb + Nc). (b) Find the weighted average molecular weight of the polymer by using the formula (Ma Na Ma + Mb Nb Mb + Mc Nc Mc) / (Ma Na + Mb Nb + Mc Nc). (c) Calculate the polydispersity Q by using the answer in (b) divided by answer in (a). (d) Find the volumetric average molecular weight of the polymer by using the formula (Ma Na Ma Ma + Mb Nb Mb Mb + Mc Nc Mc Mc) / (Ma Na Ma + Mb Nb Mb + Mc Nc Mc). (e) Estimate the polydispersity Q by using the answer in (d) divided by answer in (b).

1 1590

Un-Answered Questions { Engineering }

what is Direct control valve ? explain its practical applications?


What is NPSH of Pump


Which is your favourite subject & explain any one topic of it.


what is the difference between natural draught cooling tower and induced draught cooling tower


Tell us different types of dry processing?


what do you believe you can contribute to the company?


any one have C-Dot interview question.....its urgent ...if any one hav..plzz share as soon as possible.


how electrical earthing maintenance done in industry?


Give an expression for average voltage of single phase semiconverters?


How do you design a system which is required to experience a shock force of 15G in 10 milliseconds?


What compounds are responsible for the odors that come from wastewater treatment plants?


Explain the operation of 1φ sinusoidal ac voltage controller?


• How far is your home from the institute?


How square root can be calculated from manometer?


Explain Chickan works