SAP SD (Sales & Distribution) Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What is the difference between Excisegroup and Series group.


1 9714

Is it possible to carryout two different pricing procedures at sales order level and Billing level. If Yes, give me detailed explanation


7 21731

What exactly mean by Condition Index and why we have this is field in the definition of Condition Type.


5 7248

can any body tell me about returnable intercompany goods

Spectra Soft,

2 5766

Q : I have a error in third party process, Error is :number range interval 50 is not maintained in 2008, I tried to maintain but am getting another error , I tried to copy no ranges from company code but it is also not working, please solve this ?

1 3763

What is physical year variant ?


2 6584

Hi ..I want to know about credit for return ,credit,debit process in SAP? (For ex..lets assume this the scnorio...... we delivered 100 qty of a prod to the customer and we done the invoice also.customer found 30 qty of prod are damaged or Faulty material and he sent back 30 damged material and ask credit for return? kindly note this...customer doesn't ask the 30 material for the damged 30.He asks only credit.In this situation wat ll v do? can any one explain....pls

3 7006

Hi canany one tell me wat r d manual conditoin types used in Pricing? Wat is purpose of REQUIREMENT in pricing?

3 5705

Can we use Cash Sale as Rush Order and Vice Versa? If so, then please also specify the parameter?

3 6180

In Third Party transaction, do we take the material into stocks when the Vendor has shipped the material to our warehouse? (please let me know the answer from SD perspective)

9 9659

Apart from the customer master, where else do we maintain the payment terms?

7 10461

Is accural account part of G/L account or are they separate accounts?


4 7296

What is the signifacance of condition type "PMIN" in SD pricing procedure?

4 14962

Hi, i'm a professional from hotel industry and looking forward for a better career in the field of SAP>> i visited some of the local institues where i was suggested that i too can try for SAP>>SD as my experience is related to FOOD and Beverage dept that sell food and drink and organises party to the customers in the hotel and also have experience in Banquet and conference sales...therefore related to sales...basic reason of changing my field is to earn better salary....can somebody put some suggestions to me on this.Thanx.


Related to hotel industry, is there any specific SAP>>SD course which i can i belong to hotel industry...if yes then where can i learn and how much is it different from the normal SAP>>SD course for manufacturing industry? What is the scope or future of SAP>>SD>>Hotel Specific if there is any existing.

1 4004

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Un-Answered Questions { SAP SD (Sales & Distribution) }

Hi SD Gurus, I am applying for a position of SAP SD End user. In job description, they asked for Calender/Scheduling Experience. Could you please tell me about this Calender/Scheduling Experience in detail.Thanks in advance.


what are the five important fields to be maintained in account determination?


Explain how the system can automatically determine the item category in the sales order.


What are the various qualifier option or what are the various import options? : transportation management


At which levels in the sales document can you have different incompletion procedures?


What are the two influence factors for field selection for customer master record maintenance?


Hi SD Gurus, Have you generated any customized Pricing Reports for your client? If you have done then list out all the customized Pricing Reports for your client? Please do not attach much importance to theory and do concentrate more on Business Scenario where in the client was insisting on customized reports rather than Standard Pricing reports? Give detailed Configuration& Customization Procedure, steps, Path, T-codes (if any), Analysis, logic & finally solution to your Client’s requirement along with detailed explanation? Please give solutions with reference to your real time data examples from your client/ Project? This question related to Pricing is most important as it is being asked more frequently in many Interviews? I have interview within 1-2 days? So, I request you to provide solutions to above question as early as possible? Your timely help would be greatly appreciated? Thanks in advance Regards


What is a one time customer?


A is your client; b is your client’s customer. B need x material, but x material is now out of stock, then you can solve this problem?


Hi I am srinivas. I trained sap sd course. I know all transaction codes and tables as per bookish knowledge. But I don't know which t-codes and tables we use in real time. So i want to know the t-codes and tables in real time. pls help me. Thank u. Srinivas


what is a distribution chain ?


What is a 'sales order'?


In third party order processing what are the standard G/L A/c's to be posted in ME21?


What are the responsibilities of a technical consultant in an implementation project?


Hi All, Currently I have been working on SD module, but want to upgrade my skill with SAP TM OR SAP MDG, But having some double mind on it. please suggest which module (TM OR MDG) I should go with. Thanks & Regards, Arun