SAP SD (Sales & Distribution) Interview Questions
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Default distribution channel we have only one distribution channel in our company. Can we default it in the transaction field that needs distribution channel data? How can we configure that?


How do you assign movement type?

1 1202

Can I view the invoice due date (jan 16, 2006) in the invoice?


What are the differences between invoice and billing doc?

1 2100

What is the business process of excise tax and how do you relate that in sap?


What is an option by which we can run all the sessions in a batch simultaneously?


Subtotals in pricing how do the subtotals that have carry over value kompkzwi1, komp-kzwi2, work with respect to condition types?


What is an outline agreement?


What is the use of condition supplement?


What is the difference between transaction data and master data?


How many sales document types?

1 1887

What is higher level item category? How it’s controlled?


Explain what is sql override for a source table in a mapping?


What is “characteristic”? How does the term characteristic relate to transaction code cto4?


What are the fields in pricing procedure in sap ?

1 1327

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Un-Answered Questions { SAP SD (Sales & Distribution) }

Explain ‘business area’?


Hi friends. I am srinivas. I want to know the text determinatin. What is the text determination. What is that use. Where can we use text determination in real time. Pls explain me in detial with example.


What is the transaction code for creating a material in sap and what is the transaction code to extend a material?


What is the difference between make-to-order production with and without assembly processing?


monitoring Magic Service help desk for issue posted by the end user on daily basis (2) Analy


Which organizational element is central in shipping?


Explain credit management.


Hi SD Gurus, Have you worked with an ABAPer for Smart Scripts / Smart Forms/ Form Lay outs used for Output Determination for your client’s requirement? Please provide detailed Explanation along with Configuration & Customization procedure, Steps, Analysis, path, t-codes and solution to the above questions as soon as possible? Also provide the logic for arriving at the resolution? If you can give simple example with simple coding written by ABAPer it would be great? Please include your real time data examples as many as possible with relation to your client/ Project? It’s Urgent!!!!!! I have interview within 1-2 days? So, I request you to provide solutions to above question as early as possible? Your timely help would be greatly appreciated? Thanks in advance Regards


What table do I use in creating abap program that would output the sales based on sales organization of customers?


What is the procedure to handle reservation process in sap SD?


explain requirement class and requiremnt type in detail with business examples


When you create an invoice can you carry out pricing again?


How you can extent the rebate? What are the procedures, what is the customisation for it?


What is a sales deal and how to configure it?


What is the difference between vk11 and vk31?