IBM AS400 AllOther Interview Questions
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Hello friends, i am new to AS/400. Can any one help me in AS/400 i meant say can you send me some FAQS and interview questions.

HanceInc, IBM,

7 17227

What is the benefit of using Externally Described files over Internally Described?

IBM, Patni,

19 36562

What is the difference between a Physical File & a Logical?

Accenture, ACS, IBM,

28 103930

What is SDA used for?

7 13816

What are Triggers?

Ordain Solutions, Seabus Solutions,

14 26887

Where would you use Override Data Base File?

4 15972

What controls which printer a report goes to?


4 12175

Hi friends.. i want to be a IBM MainFrame Professional.. can any body tell me what is requirement for that... i m just BA, MA, and have simple diploma in Computers. what is pre-requisite.

3 5417

how to see all source files in a particular library? ex:xyz is a library name a,b,and c..... are source files how to see?

13 28961

what is the purpose of DMPCLPGM IN CL?

IBM, Wipro,

3 17700

how can i convert hexadecimal value to packed value?


2 9388

how can i get the cursor position in display screen to to display my window?

5 15112


Accenture, HSBC, TCS,

10 54152

Which command we can use to update a physical file using c.l pgm?


19 47546

What is the purpose of 'CPYTOIMPF' command?

Aditya Birla, Redington,

6 19964

Post New IBM AS400 AllOther Questions

Un-Answered Questions { IBM AS400 AllOther }

Pose, there are 100 records in the file.i need to retrieve all the records matching/equal to the particular name field. How can we do the above using search criteria other than using the if cond?


how do you know that records are locked?


Hello, I have created a CMD type object. In one of the fields in Display file , I would like to see All the Source files present by pass the name of Library. Tried using CHoice(Keyword) and Choicepgm on PARM , but doesn't seems to be working. Any help please..


what is logical file?


What is the difference between non-join logical files and join logical files?


can a indexed file be accessed in arrival sequence in rpg program?


what is sflrolval?


can you have multiple key lists for a single file ?


Difference Between Ca & Cf?


how you will find an error which is not in the first page of the subfile without using rolldown key?


What is the default access path of a file?


under given circumstances, my cgi should link to another site. How to implement this?


how many types of display are available on as/400 for user interaction?


maximum number of subfiles that can defined in a rpg program for one display file is?


what is the purpose of dynslt keyword?