IBM AS400 Interview Questions
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difference between CHAIN and READE?


8 43634

Hello friends, i am new to AS/400. Can any one help me in AS/400 i meant say can you send me some FAQS and interview questions.

HanceInc, IBM,

7 16981

What is the benefit of using Externally Described files over Internally Described?

IBM, Patni,

19 36045

What is the difference between a Physical File & a Logical?

Accenture, ACS, IBM,

28 103213

What is SDA used for?

7 13520

What are Triggers?

Ordain Solutions, Seabus Solutions,

14 26445

Where would you use Override Data Base File?

4 15737

What controls which printer a report goes to?


4 11926

What are the values of NUM1 and NUM2 after executing the following code? CLONO1NO2NO3 Factorl÷÷+OpcdeFactor2+÷+ResultLenDHHiLoEq C MOVE *LOVAL NUM1 50 C MOVE *J-fIVAL NtJM2 52

Fiserv, IBM,

2 11223

1. Which Built-In-Function will you use to achieve the following functionality? CLONO1NO2NO3 Factorl÷÷+OpcdeFactor2++÷ResultLenDHHiLoEq C QTY IFLT *ZERO C QTY MULT -1 QTY C ENDIF a) %ABS b) %TRIM c) %TRIMS d) %UNS


3 10774

What is the significance of UDATE?


5 20977

A particular job executing on the iS is not behaving as expected and is operating in an environment in which it can be debugged. What commands would you use to debug and observe the program?


2 13458

What is the compilation option that has to he specified while compiling an RPC program which uses a file having date data type field?


3 14835

2. Which of the following statement(s) explains the difference(s) between the /INCLUDE and ICOPY directives? a.) No difference, they function the same b.) ACOPY cannot be used as a conditional directive c.) IINCLUDE files cannot contain embedded SQL d.) Nesting /TNCLUDE directives is not allowed


2 9636

3. Given the DOS Specification below and the following information: • Indicator 50 is off • No records have been written to the subfile What will be the result if the EXFMT operation code is performed on the record format CTLR? A R SUBFL A DESCRIP 101 6 1ODSPATR(UL) A DFT(’NOT FOUND’) A R CTLR SFLCTL(SUBFL) A N50 SFLDSP A SFLDSPCTL A SFLINZ A 67 SFIJEND A SFLSIZ(13) A SFLPAG(12) A ACCOUNTNO 100 S 10 a.) Only AccountNo will display b.) SUBFL will be initialized with 13 blank records c.) An I/O exception error will occur d.) The screen will display 12 records with ‘NOT FOUND’


4 10954

Un-Answered Questions { IBM AS400 }

How to detect record is locked in cobol/400? What is the solution for that?


how can I predict the performance of my cgis?


what is the maximum number of records you can specify in a display file?


What is the maximum number of subfiles that can be specified in a display file?


Can any one explain the basic things about RLU and Printer Files and their Definitions for both and why are they used,i'm a newbee so please help me out


Apart from opening of a file do we have any other use of USROPN?


What is a continuation triple?


what are various techniques to pass parameters from one program to another?


if we tried to move year part of *iso date into a field of length 3, what will happen ?


the output from my cgi is correctly interpreted by ms internet explorer, whereas netscape navigator would display it as a plain text. What should I do to have also netscape interpreting the html output from my cgi?


Explain how to update data area in cobol 400 program?


how do I declare a table or array in rpg iv?


difference between view and index ?


what are the different types of arrays available in rpg ?


What is sort? And its syntax?