IBM AS400 AllOther Interview Questions
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What is the use of SDA ?

1 1129

What is a library list ?

1 1054

What is the difference between Physical and Logical files ?

1 1058

What does the keyword UNIQUE mean ?

1 1244

What is FCFO, FIFO, LIFO in Database environment ?

1 1127

How many record formats can you have in a Physical file and in a Logical file ?

1 1143

What is keyword PFILE specifies ?

1 1173

What is a Join Logical File, Can it be used for Update ?

1 1232

Is it possible to join the same file to itself ?

1 1146

What does SDA stands for ?

1 1129

What is the symbol used for defining a new field in SDA?

1 1108

What is the symbol used for shifting fields in SDA?

1 1261

What is the symbol used for copying & moving new field in SDA?

1 1494

What are the different types of specification available in RPG/400 ?

1 995

Is it necessary to define all formats ? Which are mandatory and which are Optional ?

1 1289

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Un-Answered Questions { IBM AS400 AllOther }

can you have multiple key lists for a single file ?


in which specification the report layout can be defined?


Can any one explain the basic things about RLU and Printer Files and their Definitions for both and why are they used,i'm a newbee so please help me out


what is subfile?


explain the use of dftwrt display keyword?


what does vldcmdkey means?


what is a query can be run in which mode?


how do you specify the number of records to roll in a subfile ?


what is term cua , saa?


what is message subfile?


what are various techniques to pass parameters from one program to another?


what does the ovrdbf command do?


what is *inzsr used for?


how do you read changed records backward in subfile?


. How to know why the OPM job is in MSGWAIT state?..WHAT COULD BE THE REASON FOR it?