IBM MainFrame Interview Questions
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77 a pic x(4) value '1234' -----> instead of this 'abcd' 77 b pic 9(4) value zeros. move a to b what is the answers for both cases? IS it possible? Give me elementary move rules briefly......

8 9971

a pic s9(4) comp b pic s9(4) comp-3 c ???????????????? d ???????????????? move a to c add a+B giving d. what is ur declaration for c,d?

4 8087

The disposition parameter in the jcl is share ( DISP+SHR ) and the program opens file in extend mode what will happen?


6 17683

how to delete perticular row from table for ex. how you will delete 3rd row from table please answer THANKS IN ADVANCE


10 12060

I have a Main Program which is calling Sub-Program which is a DB2 pgm. What will happen if I am not closing the cursor used in the Sub-program? Please advise..


3 10268

what is linkcard in cobol?


1 10008

what is dynamic cursor?gives syntax for this?


1 4445

i have 10 steps in jcl program but i have to exicute only 2,4,6,8th and 10th ?how it's possible?


10 33004

what happens of we dont give time stamp in precompilation process

2 4593

what is mapfail and when we get this error? during send map or receive map?


3 17055

Is it possible to code GOTO statement in NATURAL? if yes please provide the syntax of the same

1 6201

Hi, can we call catalog( say myproc } proc n times in jcl if so how please explain Thanks in advance

Cap Gemini,

2 7719

why do we use vsam file thn seqential files ?

Tech Mahindra,

3 10165

can we create vsam files on multiple volumes ?

Tech Mahindra,

3 8580

how are instream data terminated?

Tech Mahindra,

3 17486

Un-Answered Questions { IBM MainFrame }

Explain the difference between various read and find statement and which one should be used when for better adabas performance?


Explain the contention situations caused by locks?


What is explain in db2?


What parameter directs the output of the job log dataset?


what is swap-in and swap-out?


Can min or max be used with alphanumeric data?


What is the function of a dd statement?


Is schema the same as database?


Where can program checkpoints be stored for use in a restart?


WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. 01 GROSS-PAY. 05 BASIC-PAY PIC 9(5). 05 ALLOWENCES PIC 9(3). PROCEDURE DIVISION. MOVE 1000 TO BASIC-PAY. MOVE 250 TO ALLOWENCES. DISPLAY GROSS-PAY. STOP RUN. 77 W-A PIC 9(3)V99 VALUE 23.75 77 W-B PIC ZZ9V99 VLAUE 123.45 after the statement MOVE W-A TO W-B what will be W-B's value? a.123.75 b.b23.75 (where b indicates space) c.023.75 d.invalid move


What is a ca split?


What is the default page size of buffer pools?


What type of database is db2?


How does the jcl specify the job to os?


ther r 2 tables OTTABLE & SALTABLE, add the otamt from OTTABLE to empsal of SALTABLE if eid is matched else add the unmatched from OTTABLE to SALTABLE