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Syntel Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What is endurance testing?

16 65456

what is by brs?

52 192125

why do u think u can be selected in the job?

8 22523

What is SEBI?

40 70385

What are accounting Principles?

152 300617

What is inheritance?

5 6884

What is the difference between C++ & Java?

78 159087

Suppose u found a bug which a developer could not reproduce and it is reproducing on your pc whenever tried , then in this siyuation what will be the status of the bug, and what u r going to do for that bug.

4 10716

What are the access-specifiers available in c#?

26 78291

Give some advantages of REDEFINES clause?

2 18985

How do you define a sort file in JCL that runs the COBOL program?

6 28298

How to execute a set of JCL statements from a COBOL program?

2 12860

What is a logical message in CICS?

1 5471

Why should we hire you?

20 41360

Syntel PLACEMENT PAPERS --------------- Placement Paper 1

45 100550

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Syntel Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What is a listener class?


In the dynamic send port actually we have to give the require destination details i.e, provided by client, but my question is how to get that particular address from where and where it is stored in biztalk?


please can you tell me that in companies sas work are doing by through sas coding or sas wizard ??


Which method in OLEDBAdapter is used to populate dataset with records?


If one class contains another class as a member, in what order are the two class constructors called a) Constructor for the member class is called first b) Constructor for the member class is called second c) Only one of the constructors is called d) all of the above


Explain Joined Reports?


2. Give the different notations for the class.\


-What shall be short circuit current of LV switchgear for a 1000 kva, 11.415kv, 3 phase tranformer with 5% reactance.


What are the different types of normalization?


What is web.config in .net?


How do you express the total hardness of water?


How you will test your rpa automation task?


How will you uit the python?


What is at exit-command:?


Explain about the encoding style attribute?