why do u think u can be selected in the job?

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why do u think u can be selected in the job? ..

Answer / guest

I'm confident in getting this job because, i've prepared &
performed well , as my aim is to get a job in your company
i've hard worked towards that goal. I'm always result
oriented person, these qualities drive me towards my goal.

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why do u think u can be selected in the job? ..

Answer / md sultan raza

As I am just fullfiling all the criteria to have a job.As
well as I have performed well and I am willing to work in
this organisation.I also have full potential and capability
to prove my self if I will be given a chance. I
know i can cordinate easily along with people and work
towards a goal,
thus this confidence thrives to achieve a goal..

Is This Answer Correct ?    7 Yes 1 No

why do u think u can be selected in the job? ..

Answer / shravan

I like to take up new challenges, since in this complex
business world some of the goals are too interesting to
achieve which needs a proper team to achieve them, since i
know i can get along with people and work towards a goal,
thus this confidence thrives to achieve a goal..

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why do u think u can be selected in the job? ..

Answer / rajesh nithyanantham

i like accounts. i am hard worker and my output of details
sooner and more accuratly. my qualification suttable in the
job. i fully intrested join in your organiziation

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why do u think u can be selected in the job? ..

Answer / s veerendar singh

i think no no, i believe that i will be selected in the job
because i build myself with positive attitude every time
this develops my confidence level, then nothing can stop me.
first make yourself comfortable then others feel
comfortable about you.

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why do u think u can be selected in the job? ..

Answer / t.mahesh reddy

i think ihave performed well,my aim is to get the job in
your company and iam working hard towards that.

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why do u think u can be selected in the job? ..

Answer / amit

i am motivated towards the work & i also have the required
qualification for the job

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 3 No

why do u think u can be selected in the job? ..

Answer / vivek_2006

iam fullfilling all the requirement of your company,

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 4 No

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